16|The New Wife🌸

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"I love you Jimin." Kayla whispers in her calm state as she lays on Jimin's chest.

"What did you just say to me?" Jimin's heart beats so hard and gets up with Kayla who was lying on him. They both sit next to each other on his bed facing each other with tears burning their eyes.

Kayla finally admitted it
Jimin finally gets to be loved back

"Baby please say that again." He cups her cheeks looking at her with glossy eyes. "Tell me you love me again."

Kayla gives him her dimple smile looking back at him with so much adoration.

"Park Jimin. I am inlove with you. I love you so much more now and our little mochi bun." Kayla takes Jimin's hand and places it over her tummy. His tears fall down his face. This is so real, he's gonna be a dad. He got the girl.

Jimin never needed a new mom in his life. He needed a lover. A woman who will ground him, love him and take care of him as much as he will do the same to her.

He needed Kayla.

"God I love you so fucking much and I'm gonna love you a lot more every fucking day. I'm gonna love you when you feel like you don't love yourself anymore. Kayla I'm going to irritate the shit out of you for the rest of our lives. You good with that?"

She giggles and hugs him closer.

"I'm gonna irritate the fuck outta you too Mimi."

"Game on lil mama. I'm gonna have a mini me bossing you around with me. You lose already." He laughs and she playfully pouts.

Jimin kisses her pout away. "Don't be sad baby, we're gonna be the cutest family ever. I can see it already."

"I can see us too. She's gonna be so beautiful and pretty like us. I wanna see her take her first little tiny steps already.." She coos and Jimin loves the look on her face. She's content and that's all he ever wanna see on her face if not pleasure.

"It's gonna be a boy. My boy."

"No way, it's a girl. My girl."

They talk and playfully argue about it's gender totally engrossed in their baby conversation and their love bubble.

They're gonna be alright.

"No matter what our baby's gender is, we're gonna love it with ever single fibre of our beings. Deal?"

"Deal." Kayla wraps her pinky with Jimin's agreeing with him. "Our baby.. sounds so good. I love it."

"You have no idea Kay. I'm freaking squealing inside. Thank you."

"For what?" She tilts her head to the side giving him her all attention.

"For loving me back."

They kissed slowly and sweetly.


Next Morning Jimin gets ready for work while Kayla makes breakfast for both of him.

"I wish I didn't have to go to work today. Wanna spend the entire day with you." Jimin came down to the kitchen all ready and smelling good for work. He back hugged Kayla and kissed the side of her head as she finished with making him food.

"I want you here too but sadly for you, you have to be at the office while I do my work at home." She giggles, making fun of him and he tickles her sides.

"Stop, I'm gonna pee myself." She laughs, tears rolling down her face.

"Okay..okay. Show off." He rolls his eyes at her and takes a seat on the stools by the kitchen island.

THE NEW WIFE [PJM ff]Where stories live. Discover now