17|The New Wife🌸

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Jimin comes back home from work ready to cuddle his babygirl to sleep. He texted and tried calling her a few times to let her know he'll be an hour late because of work but Kayla didn't pick up or respond to his texts.

"She must be asleep. My poor girl."

That's what Jimin concluded since Kayla has been way too emotional that day and mood swings were being a bitch to her.

He parks his car and hops off feeling all giddy like a teenager who's crush waved at him. He's been feeling alot like that lately more especially after Kayla confessed her love for him.

He's been soo happy. He is happy for the first time in so long since his mother and Layla passed on. He's never felt so good and happy to go home like he does the past three weeks.

Jimin walks to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and right there he sees her. The love of his life.
His smile breaks out making his beautiful eyes turn into two cresent moons.

"Hello Son."

His smile dies down instantly.

Kayla turns around, her eyes blown out widely when he sees Jimin standing there looking at her though his father greeted him.

"D-dad? When did you get here?" He clears his throat and faces his father who goes to give Kayla a kiss on her temple. Jimin's blood boils. He's angry as fuck. Another man laying his hands on his girl. Kissing her Infront of him.
Father or not. He has never felt this type of anger course through his body.
He clenches his jaws so hard, his hands bawling into fists inside his suit pants.

"An hour ago, why? Aren't you happy to see me back? Not even a Hi Dad?" He jokes with a deep chuckle, going over to give his son a hug and pat on the back. He retreats since Jimin didn't return his hug.

"You good Jimin?" He asks

"Yeah! I- ah I'm good dad. How was your trip?" He fakes a smile as he asks his dad like he cares.

"Trip was good though it was all work you know?"

"What work?" Jimin finally asks the half a million dollar question. There can never be a work trip without him knowing since he practically owns the company. He needs to come clean about his whole month whereabouts he lied about.

"Jimin son, what has gotten into you?"

"Answer the damn question."

Kayla's eyes move from Jimin to Mr Park as they exchange words, looking at them with utter shock and silence. She has never seen this side of them before. Jimin loved and respected his dad so much and so did Jihyun. They were the happy broken little family since Lily died but showed nothing but love towards each other.

"You literally just ruined the surprise. God I waited for you to come home to break the news to you but here you are. Ruining everything like you always do." Jihyun spits out at his son. He has never been so vile towards Jimin.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin asks though his heart felt heavy that his father says he ruins everything.

Jihyun turns to Kayla with a loving smile on his face. "Babe, wanna tell him or should I?"

"Huh?" Kayla's eyes blow out ten times bigger than before. She feels her heart beating out of his chest and her skin prickling as she feels the anxiety kick in slowly.

Jihyun chuckles lightly at her. She's cute.

"Okay I'll tell him. Jimin, Kayla is pregnant."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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