15|The New Wife🌸

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"Bitch you knocked up your step mom!!"

"OH!" It hits Jimin hard after hearing the words from Tae.

Three weeks Pregnant

"It can only be me Taehyung." He adds in a trance, thinking hard as of why Kayla hid it from him. It's only him he slept with in the past three weeks and his dad hasn't been around for the entire month. He hasn't been sleeping with Kayla for the longest time.

"The baby is Mine." He whispers out feeling so much happiness and anger at the same time.

I'm gonna be a dad yaayyy but why didn't Kayla tell me?

Did she plan on hiding it from me?

Was she gonna take another test after dad comes and cover this up?



"WHAT?" He shouts back at Tae who startled him when he shook his shoulder to break him outta his thoughts.

"Dude, I've been calling you. You okay? What's going on in your mind?" Taehyung asks with concern for his bestfriend and also knowing how overreacting Jimin can be sometimes.

"Why didn't she tell me Tae? She didn't plan on getting rid of-

"I'm going to have to stop you right there. I know you're excited that you're gonna have a baby and all but think about her Jimin." Taehyung cuts him off.

"Tae she did not tell me. Doesn't she see me fit enough to be there for my child?" His anger flares through the roof the more he thinks about it.

"Jimin cut it out. Hear me out first okay. From her perspective, she just found out she's pregnant with hee stepsons baby. Her lovers son, Jimin. This is messed up and ofcourse she's scared and feeling stressed the fuck out, all alone and doesn't know how to deal with it. What she needs right now is for you to be strong for her. Be there for her and don't stress her up more than she's already stressing. It's not good for the baby. Your baby."

"When did you grow up like that?" Jimin jokes and they both laugh it out for a moment.

"I hear you Taehyung-ah. Shit that's messed up. I didn't think about it like that. She must be so scared. I have to go." Jimin pushes his chair back and gets up, he runs his fingers through his hair feeling nervous. All he wants right now is to let Kayla know that she's not alone in this. He will take care of her and their baby.

"What about our lunch?"

"I can't right now Tae. I'm sorry."

"More food for me. Go get your babies." He chuckles gives Jimin a thumbs up as he leave the office.


"Please pick up." Kayla's phone rings and no answer as Jimin rashes to his car.

"Kayla pick up plea-"


Her tiny broken voice makes it through the other side and Jimin is not so relieved that she picked it. Her voice is a little rough and nasal like she's been crying. Jimin hates that.

"Jiminie is that you?" Jimin can picture her tears stained face, red rimmed swollen eyes and pink flushed nosed and cheeks. He can clearly see her chin tremble as she speaks.

"It's me baby." Kayla squeezes her eyes shut and the tears roll down over and over. She doesn't want what they have to end. She likes Jimin. She's wants to tell him now.

"I know you're working and it's so selfish of me to ask you this but can you please come home?" She chews on her lower lip awaiting the answer.

"Do you need me?" He needs to hear her say the words even though he's half way home now.

"I do. I need you Daddy."

"Fuck baby, please don't cry. I'm already on my way. Don't cry Sweetheart." Jimin speeds up to reach his babygirl and just hold her until she falls asleep and feels whole again in his arms. He's so inlove with her.

"Drive safely. I'll see you when you get home. I need to tell you something."

"I'll be there in 5." He hangs up. Heart swelling up knowing what she'll tell him. She wasn't hiding it. She just needed time and to process all of it.

"Kay? Hey baby.. I'm here.. You're okay now!" Jimin finds a pouty baby snuggled in his bed, with his big hoodie swallowing her small body and cuddling his pillow.

Kayla sits up when he heard him speak and makes grabby hands to him.

"Aww!! Aren't you the cutest." Jimin picks her up and she straddles his thighs when he sits on the bed with her. She nuzzles on his neck and rubs her buttons nose on his neck, breathing his soothing scent in and she actually feels better than 5minutes ago.

"I m-messed up." She stutters and Jimin feels tears running down his neck. She's crying. Again.

"Tell me what happened baby." He knows but needs her to tell him. Kayla shakes her head and tightens her arms around Jimin's shoulders like whatever she's about to say will make him disappear.

"Be a good girl and tell Daddy okay?" He rubs her back lovingly and pulls her back to look at her in the eyes.

"You're a good girl right?" She nods.

"What do good girls do?" She eyes him with her big teary eyes and a pout making Jimin want to bend to her will.

"Good girls tell Daddy the truth." Jimin smiles to her when she answers looking down. He lifts her chin up by his index finger and she stares at him again.

She's pretty. Very pretty.

"I- I'm...I know you'll go back to hating me. I don't wanna tell you." She pouts again and tears pricking her eyes. She's so afraid of lonely that she doesn't wanna tell him but she also wants him to know.


"I will never hate you Kayla. Don't suffer alone, tell me what's bothering you. I'm begging you baby." Jimin cups both of her cheeks, whispering softly to her letting her know from his tone that he will not hate her or get mad at her.


"I promise." He links his tiny pinky to her tiny one too.

"I'm pregnant." She looks in his eyes and sees no reaction at all. Her heart begins to feel heavy again and her anxiety rising by the second from the silence.

"Please say something. You promised me you won't hate me." Kayla's chin trembles and tears run doen her pretty face, wetting her long lashes.

"I know Kayla. I know that it's our baby, Me and you. How can I hate you?" He smiles and wipes her tears away the kisses both her cheeks and lips.

"Y-you know? How?"

"I found the pregnancy test in ypur drawer this morning. You're not that good at hiding things." He chuckles and pulls her in for a long waem reassuring embrace. "We're gonna have a baby." He squeals and hides his face in the crook of her neck.

Who's being a baby now? Lol

"I'm happy it's ours. I'm glad you're here with me Jiminie. I was so scared of what you'll think of me." She sniffles and hugs him tighter. He makes her feel whole.

"Don't worry about anything. I don't want you stressing over anything. We'll handle this okay."

"B-but Jihyun? He-

"Shhh!! I said don't worry yourself."


Jimin shifts his whole body to lay on the bed pulling Kayla along with him.

"Go to sleep sweetie." He kisses the tops of her head and she nuzzles in his chest rubbing her cheeks on his shirt.

"I love you Jimin."

THE NEW WIFE [PJM ff]Where stories live. Discover now