Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The grounds of the school were beautiful and pristine. Gloria and Emilia walked for the most part in silence. But it was a comfortable silence, and as they went Emilia, glanced all about her, eyes roving over the fields and flowers and buildings around them.

'I can't believe what a polar opposite this place is to my old school' Emilia mumbled.

'I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't hear you.'

'It's nothing.'

They continuing to walk in a random direction.

'So where are the others?' Emilia asked. 'I mean...the other students.'

'They're in their classes now.'

'How come you're not in class.'

'Because I'm showing you around, silly' Gloria beamed at her.

'Oh no, are you saying you were pulled out of class for me?'

'It ok' Gloria waved at her. 'I don't mind at all. Truth be told, it was kinda a boring lesson, and it's a nice day to be out anyway. And besides....'

Gloria brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

'...I was excited about meeting my new roommate.'

Oh my god I love her so much!!!!

'Oh! You know I totally forgot that we were room-mates now. Will we be going to the dormitories soon?' Emilia asked.

'Soon, but not yet.' Gloria stopped, turning on the spot to face Emilia. 'I don't want to go inside just yet.'

As she was speaking, Emilia's attention began to drift over her shoulder, slowly focusing on something behind her.

'Who's that?'

'Hm?' Gloria looked around. 'Oh, that's Maddy.'

'Maddy? Why isn't she in class?'

Gloria looked back at Emilia with a smile. 'Well, why don't we go over and ask her?'

Emilia felt a sudden twinge of nervousness at that.

Why am I nervous? It's just a girl. I can do this.

'Sure' Emilia replied. 'Let's go see her. I want to try to make new friends.'

'I hope you're not shy at all' Gloria said.

'Wait, are you teasing me?'

'Of course not!' Gloria hesitated. 'Well...maybe a little. Sorry. But I promise Maddy is lovely. She's a little shy herself so...'

'Why is she by herself?'

'She spends a lot of her time alone. I don't know if it's just by choice or...she's just different.'


'You'll see. Come on, let's go speak to her.'

Gloria walked away.

Emilia hung back for a few seconds, lingering for a time, before following after Gloria.

They approached Maddy. She was kneeling before a flower bed, leaning forwards, tending to the flowers.

When she noticed the approaching shadows, she leant back, sitting on her heels. Maddy glanced around.

'Hey Maddy.'

'Hey Gloria. Who is that?'

Gloria touched Emilia's arm lightly as she introduced her.

'This is Emilia. She's the new student.'

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