Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

It was sometime later, Emilia did not know when, that she saw Shannon again.

Shannon looked ashamed, unable to meet her gaze.

Emilia simply hugged her, holding her close for a moment before stepping back.

'How are you doing?' Emilia asked so casually.

Shannon seemed caught off-guard, perhaps it was the casualness of Emilia's question.

'I...I'm good' she fumbled. Tears filled her eyes, her voice breaking. 'Emilia...I'm s-.'

Emilia hushed her quickly, placing her fingertips upon Shannon's lips.

'Shannon' Emilia smiled widely, 'we don't need to speak of anything you don't want to. Why don't we just enjoy each other's company?'

'Oh,' was all that she was able to say.

'We could watch some anime together' Emilia offered.


'You know what anime is right?' Emilia said. 'We've never watched it together. Why don't we do that?'

'I've never really watched anime' Shannon spoke softly.

'Well,' Emilia said, caressing Shannon's cheeks tenderly. 'It will be all the more memorable.'

Emilia tilted her head, her hair falling about her shoulders.

'There's so much I can show you' Emilia told her. ' might even like it.'

'You never mentioned liking it before.'

'Ah...well...' Emilia laughed awkwardly. 'I guess it just slipped my mind.'

'Really?' Shannon added, unconvincingly.

'I guess...maybe you thought that I would be weird for liking it.'

'Emilia' Shannon said. 'I already think you're weird.'

Emilia chuckled lightly, before her expression becoming a little more serious.

'I've asked the headmistress for time off class for both of us' Emilia said.

'What? No, you didn't have to...'

'She's already said yes' Emilia interrupted. 'So, there's no point in trying to argue. I love you Shannon, and I will do everything I can to make you smile again.'

Emilia took Shannon's hand in her own, not giving her time to protest.

'You don't need to talk about anything you don't want to' Emilia said. 'But if you do, I will be here to listen.'

She walked away, pulling Shannon gently along, her grasp on her was tender.

'Oh' Emilia said abruptly, as a thought suddenly occurred to her, 'it's nearly the end of the year. There's a party at the end of the year.'

'I remember' Shannon mumbled.

'You would look beautiful in a ball gown' Emilia told her.


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