Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It was many weeks later, and Emilia still had not managed to win against Gloria.

'I will defeat you' Emilia swore aloud. 'As God is my witness!'

'There's no need to be so serious.' Gloria told her. 'And no need to shout.'

'It's not right' Emilia answered firmly, making a flourishing motion with her hand. 'You're not supposed to be better than me at anything.'

'Says who?' Gloria countered.

'Prepare to die!' Emilia cried out dramatically, taking a step back, her posture ready to strike. 'I'm as swift as a cobra, with steely focus and determination.' Her posture immediately relaxed upon saying this, as she noticed a large creature trotting toward them.

They were outside now. It was a beautiful day, and so they had decided to practice their fencing lessons in the sun.

The area they were practicing was right beside the field where the horses jumped. Shannon was taking part in a riding lesson, along with a few others. The lessons were small in size due to the limited number of horses, and took place every other day to give the horses rest.

Emilia turned to the little fence that went around the field, watching as Shannon approached on a pretty palomino mare. Gloria moved closer to the white-painted fence, leaning on it and smiling happily up at Shannon. Emilia stayed where she was, maintaining the distance between herself and the horse.

'Hey guys' Shannon smiled, 'how are you doing?'

'Great' Gloria replied. 'Enjoying the sun like you.'

'It's gorgeous, isn't it?' Shannon beamed, looking over Gloria's head and towards Emilia. 'Hey Emilia, how are you?'

'I'm fine!' Emilia waved at Shannon merrily.

'Still afraid of Rainbow-Sparkle?' Shannon laughed, patting the horse's neck.

'Terrified' Emilia replied stoically.

'I'm sure you'd come to love her if you give her a chance' Shannon told her. 'She is such a sweet girl.'

'No way. Not a chance' Emilia said, folding her arms stubbornly and turning her head away.

Shannon could only shake her head in amusement and exasperation.

Shannon and Gloria began to talk for a short time, moments later, Emilia made a start.

'Oh my...what time is it? I have to go...'

'Oh no' Gloria realised. 'Did you nearly forget about your shift?'

'Ah...I'm sorry, could you put my stuff away please?' Emilia fumbled, dropping her things and hastily taking her gear off. 'I gotta hurry or I'm gonna be late.'

Emilia had been granted special permission by the headmistress to leave the school grounds at certain times to attend her new job.

As Emilia turned to hurry away, Gloria called out to stop her.

'Hey! You better not go without eating something!'

Emilia paused only briefly to snatch a low-hanging apple from one of the trees, turning playfully on the spot, she bit into the apple, winking at Gloria and waving at her, before skipping away.

Gloria sighed heavily as she watched Emilia go.

'Honestly' Gloria said to herself. 'That girl is all over the place.'


It was later that day, during the evening that Emilia returned. She joined her friends at the table in the canteen, startling her friend Tulip as she slumped into her without warning.

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