Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

'Wow' Shannon breathed, 'that's unbelievable.'

'It is.'

'How do you know all of this?' Shannon asked.

'Her story is public. There's even a book about her' Emilia smiled, pulling the book from behind her.

'You've been carrying that around all night?'

'No, I hid it behind this bench' Emilia explained. 'I knew we were going to have this conversation. Anna told me Terry would be here. I got this book from the library.'

'You are such a strange person' Shannon said.

'Ha ha. I'm glad you think so.' Emilia paused. 'I feel like now would be a great time to quote someone, but I got nothing right now.'

'Then just kiss me.'


Emilia glanced over Shannon's head to the clock on the wall behind her, letting out a sigh.

'Is that the time already? I should be going soon; I have chores to do.'

'Aww' Shannon huffed. 'Do you have to go?'

'I'm afraid so. I will only get in more trouble if I'm late.'

'I can't believe you have to work on a night like tonight.'

'It's not so bad' Emilia said. 'I just have to serve food and drink. I don't have to get out of my dress or anything. But Anna is watching. She's still mad about what I did in the library.'

Shannon huffed again. 'Fine' she said sulkily. 'I guess that's ok.'

'Don't worry' Emilia said to her. 'Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work.'

'Is that another one of your quotes?' Shannon asked.

'John Wooden' Emilia winked, naming the man whom she had quoted. 'Anyway. I should go now.'

'Just one more hug' Shannon said, pulling Emilia to her again and holding her tight.

Emilia sighed, holding Shannon back. 'Just one more hug' she said. 'Just for a minute.'


Gloria glanced over towards Emilia and Shannon, wrapped in each other's arms.

There was a great smile upon her face, as she watched the loving couple.

'Despite all the hardships...' Gloria said, staring at Emilia, 'just like a dandelion in thrive...'

Emilia turned towards Gloria, as if sensing her watching. She grinned widely, before turning back to Shannon, kissing her on the lips.

Shannon blushed, kissing her back.

Gloria heard them speak together.

'I love you Emilia' Shannon said.

'I love you more' Emilia replied. 'My little cabbage.'


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