Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Emilia tried to reach Shannon, but it was a few days before the two were able to be alone together.

'My love. Shannon. What's wrong? Why won't you speak to me? Is there something I've done to upset you?'

'No' Shannon breathed. 'No. You've done nothing wrong. I'm...sorry I never...I...I'm sorry I...'

Emilia let go of her slowly, letting her hands slide down Shannon's shoulders and away.

She did not speak, instead waited for Shannon to continue.

'I um...I...I'm sorry I didn't text you. I'm sorry I didn't reply. I saw but....and I know I should have called you...'

'Shannon' Emilia spoke softly. 'What happened, when you went to meet your family. Did someone hurt you? Did...someone touch you?'

'No. No its nothing like that.'

Emilia waited.

'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to' Emilia said.

Shannon was silent for a time, hanging her head.

'Do you want me to leave?' Emilia said. 'I don't mind.... I would understand...'

'No, I want you to stay' Shannon said.

Emilia faltered. She wasn't sure what to do now. She'd never seen Shannon so...broken.

They went away together, to a quiet place where they could be alone.


'I've just found out...' Shannon said, 'that um...'

Emilia watched her silently, without reaction, her expression neutral.

Finally, Shannon spoke again.

'I'm a...I'm an.... affair baby. My...father cheated on my mother. She's not even my mother...I...' Tears streamed down her face. 'I've destroyed my entire family...'


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