Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Several weeks passed, nearly a month, and Emilia desperately began to miss her beloved, and spent a lot of time texting and trying to call her.

At first Shannon was very talkative on calls, always answering, always texting. But one day, she simply stopped answering.

Emilia shared her concerns with her roommate, but Gloria just reassured her that everything was probably fine.

Emilia simply would laugh and agree, pretending to shrug off her worries. But at the back of her mind, these were worries she could not shake.

Dam. I hope you're ok Shannon.


One day, Emilia wanted to see the sunset, and so she climbed out of the window of her dorm-room while Gloria wasn't there.

She climbed up the side of the building like a monkey. Her false leg fell on the way up, but it didn't bother her.

She reached the roof, and managed to watch the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen at that school. The view was magnificent, and Emilia felt like a bird being so high up.

She watched the sun dip below the horizon, taking the daylight with it, and so it became dark.

Emilia only decided to return to her room when it began to get cold, only it was more difficult now with one leg, her false leg still somewhere on the floor below her, perhaps in a bush.

As Emilia was climbing down the building, she slipped, and fell almost the entire way.

Emilia landed somewhere near her leg, she was able to see it a short distance from her, even in the dark.

'Ah' Emilia sighed, her heart still pounding in her chest as adrenaline coursed through her body. 'There's my leg.'


Emilia was found shortly after by a member of staff. The headmistress Anna was furious with Emilia for the stunt she had pulled, and berated her very enthusiastically for doing something so dangerous, not stopping the entire time they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

Emilia's good leg was clearly broken, but luckily Emilia was only in a moderate amount of pain, and actually found herself quite comfortable on the grassy floor she now lay on, using her false leg wrapped in a jumper as a weird sort of pillow.

Several authority figures stood like spectres around her, but Emilia was at ease, and took great pleasure in admiring the scenery around her, the faint lights about the place, the twinkling stars in the evening sky, that grew ever-brighter as the night stretched on.

It was all very nice.

'Oh look' Emilia mumbled to herself, seeing a flower above her upon the wall, 'there's another painting by that Gone Girl. I never noticed that one before. How lovely.'

The teachers around her didn't hear, instead their attention was turned towards the ambulance that had now arrived. They couldn't see it clearly, but the flashing silent lights could be seen well from far away.

Emilia smiled to herself as the paramedics rushed up to her, barely hearing their questions.

Dear mother in hell. The night tonight is beautiful...


Paint it RED!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora