Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Later that day, Emilia walked Shannon to her dorm-room.

The two of them went in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. They held hands as they walked.

Shannon walked mostly with her head dipped, glancing towards Emilia as they drew closer to her room.

Emilia noticed this, grinning widely at her. Shannon looked away again.

'There you go' Emilia said, letting go of her hand. 'Here is your room. Would you like me to open the door for you?'

Shannon sighed.

'I can open my own door thank you.'

'Better safe than sorry' Emilia said, reaching forwards and opening the door for her before leaning back. 'After you.'

Shannon stepped into her room, looking around.

'I hope you're not lonely since Sarah left' Emilia said to her, still lingering in the doorway. 'May I come in?'

'Of course you can come in.' Shannon said to her. 'You don't need to ask.'

'Thank you.' Emilia took a dramatic step into the room. 'Ah. That's nice.'

Shannon moved over towards her bed. 'I'm not' she said. 'Lonely I mean.'

'That's good. You know, I'm more than happy to keep you company here if you don't mind.'

'There's no need for that. I'll be ok.'


Emilia did a spin, the skirt of her uniform swaying around her.

Emilia stumbled a little, the pins still in her leg. She was able to straightened before Shannon was able to turn around.

Shannon had made no indication that she had noticed. In fact, she had not mentioned the pins in Emilia's leg at all. Emilia thought that perhaps she hadn't noticed at all.

And she was fine with that.

'So how are you feeling?' Emilia asked. 'I mean in general.'

'I'm pretty good.'

'Listen, I have a good idea, but I needed to ok it with Anna first. Her being in charge of everything and all that.'

'And what is this idea, dare I ask?' Shannon said, sitting on her bed.

'Well, I thought it would be nice if we could have a holiday together.'

'A holiday?' Shannon tilted her head.

Emilia gleamed. 'I will have to ok it with the headmistress of course' Emilia clarified, 'but I would like to go away somewhere with you. Just the two of us. Wouldn't that be cool?'

'That would be very cool' Shannon said. 'Where did you have in mind?'


Emilia sat beside her love.

'When was the last time you went swimming?' Emilia asked. 'Oooooh! I wanna see you in a bikini!'

'Stop' Shannon giggled, blushing slightly. 'I don't know when the last time I went swimming was. It's been a while.'

'You can swim can't you?'

'Of course I can.'

'Good, because my grandad lived to nearly ninety years old, and in all that time he never learned to swim. Isn't that crazy?

'That is pretty crazy' Shannon said in a flat tone. 'How come he never learned to swim?'

'I think I heard that he nearly drowned in a lake when he was a toddler. And he's been afraid of water ever since.'

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