Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Weeks passed, and the end of the year was soon upon them.

The day of the party, or ball as some called it, finally came. Emilia took to calling it 'the festival of fancy.' She became greatly excited about the food that would be there, the drinks, and the music, and food.

Not to mention the food.

The students from the boy's school arrived, and soon enough, the large hall set at the edge of the school grounds, and reserved for this occasion only, was finally opened, and bustling with activity.

The large hall was tucked away behind some trees, but conveniently close to the carpark, and the gardens too. And here is where Emilia stood, amongst the flowers and gazing towards the heavens.

'The end of the year' Emilia lamented, reaching out towards the stars overhead. 'The year is over all too soon.'

'Oh, come on now' Shannon cooed, coming up behind her, 'you said it yourself, live in the moment and all that. Look to the future, don't linger in the past.'

Emilia dipped her head.


Emilia turned abruptly, wrapping her arms around Shannon's waist, lifting her up in the air.

Shannon squealed playfully, kicking her legs.

'Put me down!'

Emilia obliged, placing her carefully back on the ground, before straightening again, smiling like a fool.

Shannon cupped her face, kissing her tenderly.

'Now come back inside' Shannon told her. 'You're cold. What are you doing out here anyway?'

'Just looking at the stars' Emilia said innocently. 'I'm hungry by the way.'

'That's great. There's food inside. Now come on. I won't tell you again.'

They re-entered the hall. A little distance away, the wide foutain could be seen from that balcony, the one Emilia had seen when she first entered the school. The two stone dolphins, ever frozen in their joyful pose, leaping up, spraying water from their snouts, that rained down into the pool below.


They moved through the crowd slowly. It was odd having boys around, although some of the girls seemed to like it.

They passed a large mirror as they went, and Emilia caught a glance at their reflection.

Shannon wore a beautiful satin dress of chartreuse green, held up by straps. Emilia's dress was navy blue, and sparkled like the stars, the top running across her chest and leaving her shoulders bare.

'You look beautiful in your dress' Emilia voiced. 'I knew that you would.'

'You look beautiful too' Shannon gushed.

'Not as beautiful as you though' Emilia replied.

'No, you are more beautiful' Shannon giggled, pulling Emilia tighter.

'Oh god! Will you two just give it a break already?'

Gloria appeared beside them, wearing a disapproving frown. Her dress was knee-length, and sunflower-yellow, short-sleeved, with a square-cut neck.

'Your dress looks lovely' Emilia said.

Gloria put her hands behind her back, swaying shyly, closing her eyes and dipping her head.

'Thank you' she mumbled. 'You look nice too. Both of you.'


The party was in full swing, the music was upbeat, but not too loud, so the people could still talk at a reasonable volume and be heard. There was food being offered. Laid out on tables, and being offered around by waiters and waitresses who were hired for that occasion alone.

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