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Anthony pov.

I slowly lift the glass of juice to my mouth as I take a big gulp all my head messed up. At this point, I don't even know what to think. I was just thinking about trying to muster up the courage and go meet up with him. I haven't made up my mind and then I had to see him at my fucking job. In the houses we had to work at, it had to be his fucking house. I wish I knew, he was a daily customer and over the three years I had avoided going to his house but today I didn't even ask.

I wasn't ready to see or meet him. It caught me by surprise and to hell, I'm not good at those.

Seeing him there in front of me made me go into panic mode. I wanted to run but my legs seemed to give out. The way his blue eyes gazed at me, made my heart skip a beat, I found myself losing balance, my body shook, my eyes turned blurry and the rest was history.

Waking up in his house with him standing over me, felt like I wanted to throw up. Seeing him look at me with those worried eyes he used to give me when we were still young made me think that the boy who once cared for me was there but when I looked at his side and saw his new boyfriend, all my hope drained all together.

I knew he couldn't fool me.

My Troy changed so much, he couldn't even recognize my eyes, the eyes he used to love so much. It's the one thing he loved about me most. He used to say it all the time, he even changed his favorite color to grey just because of my eyes.

I know years have passed, and he has forgotten me but doesn't hurt less coz even now, I still remember every single thing about him. I can spot him anywhere and everywhere. I could even draw him with my eyes closed.

I flinched when he said my real name. Anthony Wheeler. I hate that name with all my being but that showed me that even though he was still young, he never forget my name. I almost stood up so that I could confirm to him that I was him, the same kid he protected years ago even tho he himself was a kid back then, then I remembered the day I met him when I arrived here and the way he treated me, I restrained myself. I didn't want to embarrass myself further.

Six years ago.

"You should wait until tomorrow so that you can see him" Zach's chuckle stopped me from getting out of the house. I looked back at him with puppy eyes, my heart couldn't take another day without seeing him. Years had already passed, and I really needed to see him. I was so excited, we'd just arrived in Lainsward and the reason we moved here was because of him "We've just arrived Tony, at least first rest" I yawned then, which showed that he was right. Zach was always right about many things. He smiled at me with arched eyebrows.

I gave in as I walked into my new messy room, I haven't even unpacked yet but my mind was on Troy, I took a quick shower. I looked in the mirror looking all over the scars I had on my body as a smile creeped out on my lips touching that one scar I love with all my heart even though it was the cause of all my problems I loved it coz it reminded me of him.

if it wasn't for him, my bastard father would still be here with me and torturing me. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have met Zach. I traced my fingertips over the bite mark loving how sensitive it still was. You might think I just got it yesterday but it's actually many years ago. I closed my eyes loving how my body shivers whenever I touch it, loving how it makes my body react, and then my mind goes back to my childhood friend whom I'm going to meet tomorrow.

I can't wait. I squealed happily.

Opening my eyes, red flecks shone deep in them and I knew I should stop touching it before I cause chaos. I walked out and pulled out a tin of pills as I squirted three in my mouth, I should have taken two but this thing was growing strong and stronger every day and I don't want what happened the last time I let him out to happen again.

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