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"You have to tell him" Zach drawled in a hard tone, the tone he had never used on me before. I shook feeling goosebumps appear all over my body, scared. I know am wrong, I know I have messed up again and Zach is always here to pick up and cover up my messes, I understand his frustrations but how am I going to start this conversation with Troy? I'm scared he would feel ashamed of me or better yet dump me.

"Zach..." he lifted a finger stopping me from saying anything as he looked at the mess I made.

"You know how many people you hurt last night. Seven Tony, the ones you hurt last time are still in comma and you hurt others" Zach glared "Look around, look at the blooded floor, how many people are you willing to hurt before you decide to tell Troy, huh how many tell me" Zach yelled in frustration.

"I'm sorry" I step back in fear.

"Don't say sorry Tony" he warned pointing a finger at me "Those people have kids, they have families who are waiting for them at home, whom they love dearly and you're saying sorry. Do something about it and stop being a damn monster" he yelled making me fall on the bloodied floor scared that he would hit me. My lips quivered in fear as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I have been understanding all these years Tony" Zach put his hands over his waist. "You killed people in Waterston, I understood coz we had no solution. I have been understanding ever since we came here, not evading your privacy, you killed I made sure to clean it up. But now you have the person who made you what you're now, but I failed to understand why?" Zach breathed in tears streaming down his face. "Tell me why you're scared" he looked at me while wiping tears away.

I took a deep breath "he might leave me when he finds out I killed people" I whisper still in shock. I have never seen Zach this angry.

"Why would he leave you when he was the one who did this to you," Zach asked in confusion. "Matter of fact he should even feel bad for what he did when he knew the consequences," Zach said angrily tears still streaming down.

"H-he didn't do it on purpose" I defended.

"I don't care whether he did it on purpose or not all I want is for him to own up to his mistakes and fix your life" his voice screeched as if in pain. "Next week I'm going to welcome my daughter. I won't be here as much Tony, that means I won't be able to clean up your mess or get you drugs" he swallowed hard. "It's time to tell him, instead of making people's lives short or you enjoy killing them" I gasped out as I blinked at him.

"No" I answer instantly.

"If you feel bad for the people you hurt, then you should tell him" he cleared his throat "or else the next time you hurt anyone again, I will be the one to put cuffs on your hands and arrest you and you will lose me as your brother" my eyes widened in shock as he turns on his heels getting out leaving me with conflicted feelings.

I burst out into tears wailing so hard not knowing what to do. I looked at the dirty floor filled with the blood of the people I hurt. What made me cry so much was the thought of losing Zach. I met him at my weakest and suddenly he became someone I relied on for many years. His the second person I trusted after Troy who knew me inside out.

The feeling of him not being in my life hurt me more than I had ever imagined. I can't lose Zach, I know he is looking out for me, he is a police officer who swore to protect citizens not to cover up mysterious murders made by me. This was too much, I'm scared of losing Troy but again I'm scared of losing the only person who has been here with me through good and bad.

Zach was a human boy who never knew the supernatural existed, yet the moment he found out about me, he never once made fun of me or rejected me as I thought he would. He loved and supported me, he even went ahead and moved away from his hometown Waterston where his family is buried just to come here with me. Leaving them behind.

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