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I watched Anthony move around my office like an excited kitty making sure not to touch anything. His eyes would sparkle every time he saw something he likes and look back at me as if asking for permission to touch which I allowed him to. A smile could pull on his delicious lips which made my heart beat faster and melt at how cute he looked. I was reading through contracts and I would be done with them by now but he was such a distraction. How can I concentrate when he bends over looking through the books, his butt sticking up in the air as if inviting me to rip it apart.

He doesn't even know how hard I'm trying to control all the urges to fuck him. But just looking into his innocent eyes, makes me back off, and more so, I want our relationship to build first. I'm desperately wanting to smell his scent and not those chemicals.

You all know the reason why I want to smell him, I don't want to fuck him and later find out that he wasn't my mate. That will break him and me. I have to be sure before I go too far with him. I don't even know how many times I found myself praying to the moon goddess and God, my mum believes Anthony to be my mate.

I have been with many people, women, and men, older, and younger, but no one had ever taken my heart as Anthony has. I really liked Ivana, so much, I loved her smell and her body but something is upon Anthony that draws me in, and want to taste him forever. If it's a spell he put on me then it's working coz I don't even want to look anywhere else. I have spent a whole month without getting any and I don't mind. Somehow I'm content with what I have. I think about the boy so often I think it's unhealthy.

He doesn't know what he does to me with just his smile and voice.

I want to love and protect him at all times.

When I found out what really happened at the office, all I wanted was to go there and skim them alive. But I knew wouldn't like that and I was right. That's why he laid to me, he didn't want me to interfere. I don't know how I  handled my anger looking into his painful eyes. It hurt so much to see him tear up and that's when I knew that I had fallen for the boy.

At first, I thought because I felt bad for him since I failed him but my heart can't lie. I adore him so much. People might not see how beautiful and wonderful he is but to me, I see light. I don't get why people call him ugly in the first place, yes he is tiny but he is adorable and beautiful all he lucks are vitamins in his body and all will be well.

"Wow," I look over at him. "The view is beautiful, look" he muttered looking out of the double window. I chuckled at his adorable voice wanting to grab him and kiss him so hard he could see stars. I breathed out controlling all my urges. I glanced at him softly loving how the light from the window was illuminating his gorgeous face.

He breathed in and walked to his box pulling out some books and a pen. He looked out again as he started writing something down. I frowned, feeling a little bit jealous. He said he wants to look at me while I work, but all his focus was on the window.

I sound whiny but I want all the boy's focus solely on me. I watched as he made himself busy, I can't believe things had changed, he was the one who had to watch me while I work but here I am watching him instead. I take a deep breath admiring how beautiful he looks so focused.

I really want you to be my mate.

I whispered to myself.

I went back to my work, the sooner I finish it, the more I will have time with my baby. I concentrated until a small figure stood in front of me. "Daddy, see this" he put the paper in front of me and that's how I found out that he was drawing the view outside.

It looked so good, he is talented but that wasn't the thing that made my body shiver in pleasure. It was the fact that he called me Daddy.

I have never been a person with kinks and it didn't bother me if someone called me sir, master, or Daddy, I didn't care. All I wanted was a pleasure and that's all, I wasn't a person who was into that shit but ever since I found out that this innocent-looking boy in front of me saved my contact as Daddy, it made things to my body.

Unforgettable bond (love) MXMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang