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Troy pov.

'Damn it' I curse in my head when the elevator didn't open when I fucken needed it. I dragged Anthony down the stairs not letting his small hand go. I am so angry, so damn angry that I could kill someone right now. What if I didn't get there on time, what would they have done to him? What the hell is wrong with people nowadays? Now they bully someone on the job, I thought that stays in high school or college but someone is older enough to not go through that shit.

I'm so disappointed in Artwood. How could she hear something like that going on in her company and not do a fucken thing? She can't lie to me that she didn't hear what was going on. I have a feeling that she wanted them to bully him. For what, I have to find out. 'I need you in my office' I mind-linked her and closed it off again before she could say anything.

I look back at Anthony who was trying to pull his hand from my strong grip. He was failing miserably "S-stop dragging me, I-it h-hurts" he stuttered. I let his hand as he started massaging it which made me feel bad that I hurt him. It wasn't intentional, I can never hurt him like ever.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you much," I ask trying to take a look at his wrist but he pulls it back letting out rushed breaths.

"I'm fine" he breathes out closing his eyes softly and trying to take as much breath as possible. He opens them looking up at me with those gray eyes that hunt me when I close my eyes, I can't even settle, I think about him more than I should. How can you miss someone you have just seen for only two days? The feeling I'm getting is confusing as fuck. Why the hell do I think about him like that, I want to protect and help him which is weird.

"T-thank you b-but..." he bits his bottom lip "I could handle myself" he stutters out nervously.

"How long has it been going on," I ask seriously, I hate bullies.

"Please let it go I'm fine," he whispers tiredly rubbing his forehead.

"I promise to help you, Anthony. Can you please tell..." he cuts me off.

"You promise," he scoffs looking into my eyes and for the first time I saw sadness and anger in them "You sure do that a lot" he didn't stutter when he spits out. What does that mean? "I don't need your empty promises Mr. Kingston" He tries to pass by me. I tug his wrists not allowing him to go.

"I'm worried about you and this is how you repay me," I ask actually hurt by his words. I'm here worrying over him and he acts like a brat. I'm a man of my word. If I promise something I fulfill it so what the hell is he talking about?

"You're worried about me or you just want to get into my pants" he looks so mad for no fucking reason and he is actually looking into my eyes. He is getting bold.

"What?" I question, ok yes I might want to get into his pants but that is for later not now. I need to first help him with whatever was disturbing him.

"Don't act so innocent Mr. Kingston," he says bitterly "After tossing your boy toy away, and now the next prey is me. Stop pretending to care, and let me not waste your precious time" he was out of breath "You will never see what's underneath these clothes. Go get your next prey who is actually interested and leave me the fuck alone" he drawls seriously making my heartbreak and making me feel so angry with him. How dare he say that to me when it was me helping him?

The next words are thrown out of my mouth without stopping them "What's there to see" I ask looking him up and down in disgust and making him flinch "You will be the last person I would want to sleep with. This was me helping you out with those bullies but I'm not being appreciated here" I drawled with so much anger but seeing the hurt on his face made me soften my eyes regretting what I had said instantly. "Anthony..."

Unforgettable bond (love) MXMHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin