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Troy pov.

Anthony slept for twenty-four hours without letting out any sound. I asked Doctor Rual if that was okay. I was worried, but he told me that it was normal seeing that he was so tired. He said he might even sleep for seventy-two hours. I would be lying if I told you that I closed my eyes during those hours. My mind wasn't settled, I was thinking too much yet no matter how much I thought, I couldn't find a solution to what was going on. I called Zach to at least help to understand what was going on but the man didn't say a thing. He just told me to ask Anthony.

He was worried about his brother when told him that he passed out.  He wanted to come right away but I stopped him by telling him that I would take good care of him. Zach calmed down and made me promise to call him if something happened or if Anthony woke up. I picked up a cup of coffee groaning in annoyance when I found it empty. I stood up getting out of the room to go make myself another cup when a small voice made me halt and turn on my heels back to the room holding his hand.

"Troy" he muttered trying to open his eyes. I got off the bed quickly pulling the blinds together so that the sun don't get into his eyes.

"Baby, I'm here," I say lowly squeezing his hand. Anthony squirted his eyes open gazing at me softly. "How are you feeling," I ask gently.

"Slight Headache," he mutters tiredly taking a deep breath. "I want to relieve myself" he bites his lips in embarrassment sitting up.

"Do you want me to take you?" I offer

"No, I can manage" he declines in embarrassment. He sat up fully with a heavy breath looking around and furrowing his brows in confusion. "This is not my room, where am I," he asks still looking around as if to catch something familiar.

"You're in my house," His breath caught in his throat blinking rapidly. "You fainted, I couldn't leave you there" I arched my eyebrows at him. He let out a soft Oh, as he asked me to direct him to the bathroom which I did. He walked slowly and closed the door behind him. I pulled out my phone and called the chef to bring the food I asked to make. I sat on the bed waiting for him to get out after hanging up.

Anthony walked back to bed and pulled the covers over his body up to his chin. "How long have I slept," he asked softly.

"12 hours" I answer. Anthony looked at me with wide eyes and a hanging mouth.

"D-did I um C-change" he stuttered "D-did..." he cleared his clogged throat.

"Change into what," I asked to be sure. Anthony looked at me for a while before inhaling deeply.

"Wolf," he sighs lowly pulling his legs to his chest and putting his head on his knees. I looked at him to see if he was lying but he seemed to be telling the truth. What I didn't want to be true, was indeed true.  My mouth opened and closed not knowing what to say. The chef chose that time to come in with a tray full of food. I thanked him and he moved out.

Anthony eyed the food in disgust "You should at least put something in your tummy" I say softly picking up the spoon with oats porridge and bringing it to his mouth but he refused to eat.

"I normally don't eat anything after I change. My stomach will disagree and end up throwing up" he explains in a small voice. I put the bowl down carassing his head softly.

"Doctor Raul said you should eat to gain energy in your body and speed up your recovery" I smiled sweetly at him. Anthony looked at me nodding slowly. He picks up a spoonful of the hot porridge blowing on it slowly before stuffing it in his lips. I smiled proudly at him and I didn't miss the way his eyes sparkled in delight.

He forced himself to eat and the moment he stopped, he had eaten half of the bowl and some fruits. "Good boy" I whispered kissing his cheek. I put the tray away as I gazed at him wanting to start the conversation I'm so scared to hear yet I have.

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