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Double update.

Read Chapter 16 before this one guys.


"Thank you all for your cooperation, you can go back to work" I address in a soft tone, I move out of the meeting room walking toward my office with my assistant on my toes. "Is my schedule cleared?" I ask the woman who was trying to keep up with big steps.

"You have contracts to sign sir," she informs with a smirk knowing how much I despise those. I nod telling her to bring them forward with a groan. All I wanted was to finish all this work so that I could go and pick up Anthony from work. Since the day he accepted the ride home, I have been doing it every single day, and to my surprise, he accepts without protest.

I still don't know why I'm so intrigued with the boy but seeing him smiling makes me happy. I take a deep breath reading and signing through papers. Someone might think that this job was easy but man it was exhausting as fuck. Imagine I haven't taken over the pack and I'm busy like this, what if I become the alpha, what would I be like?

"Sir it's time to go, your alarm has gone off" I heard my assistant say through the intercom. I look at the time seeing that I have only ten minutes to reach Anthony's office before he leaves. I hurriedly stood up packing my things, taking the papers with me. I will do it at home but Anthony can't wait. "Sir I have called your driver" I nod getting inside the elevator after saying good night to my precious assistant.

I have been with her for three years now and I would be lying if I say that she was bad. She was good at what she did. So reliable. I reach my driver telling him to give me the keys, I want to drive Anthony by myself. My driver didn't protest as he was used to this but my bodyguard looked at me hesitantly not wanting to let me go alone.

I know it's their job to follow and protect me since my family is a powerful one, people tend to hold grudges. In this world of business, you anger so many people, some, want you to die or want to abduct and torture you to death so to avoid most of that, you need protection.

I might be an alpha but that doesn't mean I'm not human, I also die and I can get hurt severely.

In ten minutes I was parked outside Anthony's company. I get out of the car leaning against it as I put my hands in my pocket to wait for the little sweet boy to come out. I look at my watch smiling at myself for keeping time. I thought I would be late but thankfully the traffic wasn't too much. I waited for more than twenty minutes and I started to get worried, he wasn't getting out. Did something happen? Was he so busy? Was he working overtime? I decided to be patient but after ten more minutes passed by, I started to get more worried. With that thought I pulled out my phone and I called him, it rang but nobody answered.

I called six times and no one answered.

I decided to enter the building which I hate but for Anthony, I will do anything. What if something happened to him? My heart was racing in fear but I talked to him during lunch time when I sent him food. He was fine. Reaching his floor, my eyes instantly went to his seat which was empty, I furrowed my eyebrows, was I late he left?

"Mr. Kingston, what brings you here," a girl with heavy makeup asked. I remember she was one of those who bullied Anthony the other day. I would have ignored her but I swallowed my hate down.

"Where is Anthony," I ask my eyes looking around to catch the small figure.

"Oh, he left early today" I instantly turn around driving back to his apartment. Why did he leave early, did something happen? Is he sick? I drove the car at full speed wanting to reach as soon as possible so worried. My heart was jumping up and down in my chest scared.

Unforgettable bond (love) MXMOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora