37- Epilogue.

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Few months later.


Troy couldn't wait to introduce me to his people and I was a wreaking mess. I was self-conscious and scared of the outcome. All my life I have been unloved, bullied, and abandoned. I thought even his people would feel the same and at the end of the day they would reject me but I was so damn wrong.

His people were loving and welcoming.

They cheered when Troy introduced me as his Luna. I didn't see any disgusted faces, they were all smiles and welcomed me into the pack with open arms. It felt so good, my heart melted and I wanted to cry out in joy. They promised to respect me and they trusted me to guide them to the right path.

They even started cooing saying how beautiful and cute I look. Some felt jealous that Troy took me before them but with one glare from Troy, they all backed off. I'm happy I can't start to explain how happy I was that day. Whenever I pass a pack member they wave at me, bow, and call me Luna. I never thought just words would make me this happy. Everything had fallen into place and I couldn't stop smiling.

I ran to Zach and gushed for hours until his ears hurt but all in all, he was so happy for me.

I also opened up in my therapy sessions and I'm glad I did that. I thought I was fine but talking about the things I went through made me realise that I was just pretending. I remember the words my dad used to throw at me, recalling his dead body in our small living room, recalling how trapped I was in that basement made me realize that I was really damaged.

I cried the whole session and that night I cringed close to my mate who happily held me so tightly and I let it out. From that day my heart felt lighter and safe. Whenever I think about it it doesn't affect me like I thought it would and being surrounded by people who truly love me made me realize that my dad was wrong and it wasn't my fault for my mom to leave me. That I know now.

"This is our garden, Gerret is in charge of that, he will bring all the accounts directly to you after you're crowned," Ryan said making me sigh nervously. In five months' time, Troy is going to be crowned as the Alpha, his dad was waiting for him to get a mate before doing it but since I'm the next line as Luna, all Ryan's work has to come to me. He had been teaching me for weeks now but damn how did he manage all of these.

To make sure the pack is in great shape, it was too much I didn't think I will manage.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere Anthony. I will be here to help you out. I know how exhausting all this can be" Ryan was the sweetest really and I'm proud to call him mum. I nod slowly as he continued showing me around. The pack was so big it took us a week to be able to go around it and know people well.

By the time I went back home, I was so exhausted all I wanted was to just sleep all the tiredness away and I knew my mate was also tired. I phoned Troy to come back with food since I couldn't cook anything the way I was tired. Troy happily agreed making me sigh in relief. I hopped into the bathtub wanting to have a relaxed hot bath.

I don't know how many hours I spent there. I opened my eyes to see Troy smiling down at me "Baby it's bad to sleep in the tub, the water is already cold" he quickly pulled me up and wrapped a towel over my body as he carried me out of the bathroom. He put me down slowly and dried my body and hair taking me to bed.

"Go to sleep love, I will wake you up to eat dinner" I nodded as I curled up in bed sleep taking me instantly. Troy woke me up and fed me dinner. "What did you do to make you this tired," he asked putting the plate aside as he fed me water.

"Walking around with Mother. The pack is too big" I put my head on his lap loving how he was passing a hand through my hair.

"You will get used to it soon, don't worry" I hummed loving how he was patting my head making me purr like a cat. "Anthony do you know that you're gaining weight" Troy voiced out, the thing I had noticed over the passing days. The clothes didn't fit me anymore.

Unforgettable bond (love) MXMWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu