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Anthony pov

A week had passed since I invited Troy to dinner. I haven't seen him since but hell he called my phone like a madman. He calls in the morning to wish me a great day, he calls at lunchtime to remind me to eat and he always calls me at night to say good night and ask if I had a good day or if my coworkers gave me trouble which I always reply with a no.

Since that day, Artwood called for a meeting and demanded Zahara and Toby apologize to me. The way Mrs. Artwood looked, I think Troy gave her a lecture of a lifetime. Toby and Zahara first refused but a growl from Mrs. Artwood, made them apologize.

It's not that I wanted an apology from them, I could live without it but I had no say in all of this except for me to accept their bullshit and unapologetic sorry. I knew they weren't apologetic but I left it as it was. It was useless after all, what they said to me was already imprinted in my brain and a simple sorry won't take it away.

Mrs.Artwood also apologized to me and hers was sincere to be honest though I don't blame her, it wasn't her fault in the first place. Since that day, all my coworkers have avoided me like a plague. When I greet them, they don't reply, they backbite me, and when I try to talk about work they ignore me. The only person who doesn't is Mrs. Artwood who makes sure that I am fine.

At one point I wanted to quit my job, how can you work in an environment as toxic as this one? I feel unsafe. I feel so alone and most times feel pity for myself. The thing that is keeping me going is the calls I receive from Troy, he might not know this but him calling me every time makes my day.

I told Zach that I wanted to quit though I didn't tell him the reason why. If I told him he would have told me to come back at all but I laid. Zach told me to quit and hold on a little while while he still figured out how to help me find another job. He doesn't want me to be a prisoner of my thoughts, working makes me not think too much of my pathetic life. But if he knew what these people do to me here, he would surely lose it.

I am really so lonely.

I sighed getting up from my seat after talking to a customer who needed his house to be painted. His daughter has graduated and he is going to throw her a party. I walked slowly to the room where the field team was, I opened the door slowly knowing what was awaiting inside.

I take a deep breath nervously "Is any of you guys free" I stuttered. Fred, Amos, and Louis look at me boredly.

"If you want to suck my dick it's free" Amos replies making me inhale deeply. I'm used to his snarky comments. He always jokes around with sexual stuff but this is business, if I ask, you should be serious. I look at them waiting for a good answer from one of them but they kept ignoring me.

I stood there for what felt like hours without a reply until I got tired and walked back to my seat. The man was still on hold "Hello Mr. Tendo, is it ok if I come tomorrow" I decided to do it, the man was so happy to disappoint him.

"Yes it's ok, the party is on Sunday" he replies as I noted his address and notes down the colors he wanted, the designs, and more. After noting them down, we said goodbye promising to be there early in the morning.

It will be even better to not stay at home on the weekends. it is a win-win for me. I worked more and this time I told the customers that there are no available workers since I know what the outcome will be. There was this lady who pleaded, she wanted her room to painted coz it reminded her of her late husband. she thinks it's time to change it, and too many memories are killing her.

I felt bad for her so I decided to take the job too promising her that I will be there in the evening. I guess tomorrow will be a busy day. I said to myself taking a deep breath. My phone vibrated on my table. Looking down at it, it was Troy, today he had called early.

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