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-Please play music wherever you feel fits. Can work for the intro amd somewhere in the middle of the story. Just for atmosphere 😋


It was big news at the time. There were incresing numbers of people going missing lately, out of the blue. The first couple of reports the police wrote off as runaways. But then as the numbers continued to get higher everyone knew that something was wrong. There were complaints being made to radio stations. Family victims storming police stations, and people calling in to speak on the news. The whole thing was crazy.

Then, when proper investigation was finally conducted all the ones that were missing were found mutilated in some warehouse. Bodyparts sectioned off as if to be stored for later. The worst of it, these people were kidnapped to be eaten. That's when the term rogue monsters came out. Everyone was in a uproar. Rumors spread, people were afraid. It took an awful long time for things to die down. Turns out when monster get a taste for human blood they start to desire human flesh which makes them go crazy.

However,  this was as rare as a human cannibal. But the amount of victims that was accumulated by one monster is what made this a terrifying concern. That's right...they thought it was one.

Before it was adults and then slowly children went missing. Only slowly enough that it didn't draw enough attention,  but unfortunately,  for them one of those children that went missing was the child of the ambassador.

People and monsters alike were frantic. They managed to find the children but for some it was already too late. The child of the ambassador were only mere moments away from being hacked to pieces. It was thanks to their family which found them that a lot of these children were able to head back to their families safely.

It was a traumatic experience for all. Something we wished would never have to happen again. Things quited down after awhile and people began to move on from the horrors of that time.


"If you don't behave, the rogue monsters would take you away and eat you"

The foster head would tell that to us at the orphange to scare us into behaving. But I don't belive in her silly stories. Either way. That's only told to the other bad kids, I keep to myself.

We are always told not to leave the premises without her say so. But sometimes I sneak out during lunch to get something to eat. I get a Nickle for every chore I do and I save it for just that special time.

Across the street, not too far from the orphange is a hot dog vendor. I'm not sure how legal it is for him to set up stall there, but I came upon him one time when I snuck out. It didn't look like he was selling anything at the time. Only sleeping behind the counter, until he woke up and saw me.

"Hey. Kiddo want a hot cat?" He asked

"A hot what?"

"A hot cat, it's nice and hot only a dollar per cat" he grinned

When I looked I saw the thing he called a hot cat, basically a hot dog with a cat face and ears. But that's not important. It smelled good.

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