Chapter 20 - No longer human

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A/N - From now on, this story may contain depictions of - Body modification, overstimulation, sexual touch, obsession, and disturbing descriptions of harming and wounding.

In addition, I am changing to a second-person point of view (belongs to the person being addressed.)


The sun slowly peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the couple snuggled up in bed.

You started to wake up from your slumber, stretching a little.

"My head..." You groan in pain, putting a hand on your forehead.

With a contented sigh, you suddenly notice the young investigator on the other side of the bed - his body shifting and settling into the soft sheets.

Understanding you wear nothing but shorts, you blush wildly. You raised from the bed immediately, but a firm grip pulled you back into the sheets. You turn towards each other, your eyes meeting in a tender gaze.

"G-Good morning" you pull the sheets to cover your body.

"Good morning~" A small smile plays on Juuzou's lips.

His fingers traced gentle circles across your skin. It felt like he would never get enough of how soft you were.

Your worried gaze eased to his touch.

"We... did not fuck, right?" You asked. Juuzou let out a chuckle before answering.

"No. Not yet."

"Okay," You answer with relief.

You stare at each other for another long moment until Juuzou leans for a kiss. Your heart beat faster with anticipation; his touch was soft, tentative, and exploring. Hearing your voice calls his name, his movement becomes more confident as he moves deeper; urgent and demanding, fueled by raw desire.

He parts your lips, smirking. You were panting, looking like a mess.

He needed more, so he connected his lips to your neck, sucking and licking the area. You bite your lips so hard, tasting blood.

"I need to hear you," He groans against your skin, his tongue leaving wet spots all over your collarbone. He licks your scar, leaving kisses all over it. You couldn't hold your voice anymore, letting some moans out.

"They will...hear us...J-Juzo" You bite your lower lip again.

"Yeah, you're right." Juuzou detaches his lips from your neck, leaving a wet trail. He stares at you momentarily before pushing his thumb into your mouth, sliding it over your lower teeth. He brushes it against your lips and moves it back into his mouth.

"You make it so hard not to tear you apart," Juuzou remarked, his voice unsteady from all his excitement.

Juuzou swore he would not leave this bed for days and weeks if your colleagues didn't surround you.

He sneaked back into his room without anyone noticing, leaving you panting on your bed. You brushed your fingers through your hair; your heart was still racing.

This was going to be much more complicated than you thought.

You knew Juuzou was only innocent looking and that under his childish smile, he was hiding a very eccentric and sadistic personality, making him unpredictable in many ways.

But him being so obsessed with you was very unexpected. You felt like his prey, always under his gaze. You knew and understood his violence, and keeping some safe bounds would take some time and work.

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