Chapter 22 - Something to fight for

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The meeting room is quiet as the team gathers around a large conference table.

You and Juuzou walk in together, earning some stares from the Qunix team members.

Haise fakes a smile, greeting you with a good morning.

You take your sit next to each other.

In the center of the table lies a stack of documents, evidence collected from the investigation.

"Thank you all for coming." Hanbee begins,

"As you know, we're here to discuss the results of our investigation and overview the nutcrackers case and connection to the black market. We've spent weeks gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing data records. What we've found is deeply concerning."

Juuzou takes a lollipop from his pocket, opens it, and shoves it into his mouth. He sends you a smile as you watch his tongue run on the candy.

"We believe that the nutcracker is collecting items for the auction. It's one of the shows the madams are rumored to hold, just like the restaurants. They auction off abducted victims."

Tooru made a disturbed look. Haise held his chin, reading the file.

"The ghoul known as big madam is infamous throughout the CCG, and it is believed that she is the head behind this auction. Therefore, this is a very important case." Hanbee stated, sitting back down.

"The nutcracker abductions are mostly in night clubs and other places in the 13th ward." Haise remarked, "And it looks like they are searching for young women in their twenties. After analyzing some data, it looks like she offers her victims a part-time job. Maybe we can disguise ourselves and get more information about the next auction."

The atmosphere in the room is tense as team members scribble notes and occasionally nod in agreement.

"We need her to offer someone a job so that we can get her contact info. That way, we will know the place and date of the auction and plan the attack." You spoke up.

Questions and concerns begin to arise from the other team.

"Isn't it dangerous...? She's powerful..." Shirazu mentioned.

"We won't need to handle her one-on-one, Shirazu kun. We just need that information so that Y/n san and Suzuya san will build the operation." Haise explained, and his team nodded in agreement, fully aware of the weight of their responsibility.

Haise's eyes meet yours, his face a mix of emotions. Your heart skipped a beat, and you froze for a moment.
Noticing it, Juuzou pinched your inner thigh under the table, making you jump in your seat and break eye contact.

You narrow your eyes at him, but he smiles in response.

As the meeting continues, the qunix team asks for clarification on specific details and probes for any potential loopholes in the evidence.
Juuzou remains composed, calmly answering each question and providing an additional context where necessary. His fingers draw circles on your inner thigh the whole time, flushing your cheeks.

But you stay quiet and serious, trying not to raise any awareness.

At the end of the meeting, Haise summarizes the findings and lays out the next steps. "How do you feel?" You whisper to Juuzou.
He tilts his head, moving his candy to the corner of his mouth.

"About what?" He asks.

"About this case and about dealing with big madam..." You lower your eyes, watching his fingers resting on your skirt.

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