Chapter 32 - Caraphernelia

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Warning: Includes sexual parts and knife playing. 


You open your eyes with a killer headache, groaning in pain, slowly getting used to the sunlight. The sun feels warm and pleasant on your face.

You see a green, beautiful landscape. When looking around, you notice you are tied.

"How does it feel?" You hear a familiar voice.


You raise your eyes to meet her icy eyes. She stares at you with a blank expression. In a suit and tie, she stands with her hands behind her back, watching you carefully.

You try to step further, but the ropes only get tighter with each step.

"Strange times, isn't it...?" Akuji let a sigh out as if she was bothered.

"W-What?" You look at her with hatred, "It's your fault we are in this fucking war. Can't you see that you have gone beyond sanity?"

She looks up at the blue skies. A soft wind blew through her dark blue hair.

"Sanity," She whispers, "This world... lost its sanity long ago."

You stand there for another moment before realizing you are standing on a wooden stage, and Akuji is watching you from beneath.

"Where are we?" You ask.

"The hanging tree."

Your eyes widen when you suddenly see the massive tree with a wide trunk and thick branches. Its roots are deeply embedded in the soil, and its branches extend outwards, reaching toward the sky.

The rope around your neck becomes even tighter.

"Why... are you doing this..." You cry out in pain.

"They strung up those who opposed justice." She says lowly, "Why must you do that, Y/n? You could have lived happily... with Juuzou... and Shinohara..."

You feel your neck burning.

"No... don't do this! You know it's wrong! You know this isn't salvation!" You yell at her, veins throbbing on your neck.

"He told you to run so you both be free. He has hope for you." Her words hurt you.

"To be honest... I hate humans. I hate... everything. This world... is gone."

You look at her with wide eyes when she suddenly changes her appearance.

She was now wearing a long, familiar, black dress.

"Amoon..." You whisper.

"I hate... everything."

The rope tightens as you scream; everything is going black.


You wake up all at once, gasping for air.

The only sound filling the room was of Shinohara's heart machine.

You breathe heavily, running your hand through your hair.

How much time... were you sleeping?

You storm through the door, almost breaking it.

"Are there... anymore... survivors?" You ask the nurse. She shakes her head.

"Not yet."

This feeling was tearing you apart.

You wondered... if this was how he felt when you were kidnapped.

Trembling, crawling across your skin, those voices were crying out. The voices of the ones you love are not there anymore.

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