28. Plans Move Forward

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Bill. Many thanks for your ongoing support!

I wasn't really sure if the book made any difference at all. I was reading all this text about how wetting myself was linked to being a baby, which seemed pretty obvious. I guess that by reading the same things over and over, it would make it seem more natural to believe it. After a week of occasional babying, there were parts of the book that I could repeat off the top of my head. I'd noticed that I was thinking 'Mummy' instead of 'Mum' a lot of the time, but maybe that was just wishful thinking.

That first day, after a little time reading the book, Mum had come in and put a movie on. We watched it together, with my head in her lap. She encouraged me to sing along, and joined in when I seemed a little too embarrassed. And after just two songs, I wasn't even thinking about how much it should embarrass me. It was easy to play along, and I started to understand that my problem was mostly in finding a way to stop pushing myself.

A couple of mornings later, I woke up wet. I checked my diaper like always, and found that it was heavy and slightly yellow. I hadn't even woken up; I felt like I'd slept much better than usual, and the only thing to think about was getting Mummy to change me.

The name 'Mummy' came naturally. And that morning, I didn't think about whether the diapers had caused it, or what I was 'supposed' to feel. I just knew that I was a baby who'd had an accident, and I needed my Mummy to clean me up. I didn't call for her, but she seemed to know. She tapped on my door a few minutes after I woke, and asked if I needed any help. That was the first time I wore diapers to school, as well. Just the Girlzz pull-ups, discreet enough for nobody to notice. But it was nearly lunchtime before my thoughts changed from "I have to wear diapers because I'm a baby" back to "some of the drugs must have kicked in, this is how it feels to be turned into a baby". Until lunch, I didn't even realise how excited I was to find that I couldn't resist acting like a child.

I knew on some level that the drugs couldn't make me act like a child. But I'd read that book so many times, the same couple of pages over and over. And the suggestions that if I wet myself I must be a baby seemed to have stuck. I'd wet myself, so I automatically started thinking of myself as a baby. Maybe there was some drug – STX possibly, if I remembered them correctly – simplifying my thoughts as well. But I had no way of knowing that, and however it had happened, I knew that it felt so real when it hit me like that. This was it; I was becoming a baby. And I couldn't have been more excited.

"Did you get a boyfriend?" Penny whispered, as I tried to focus on a teacher explaining the difference between subjects and objects.

"I uhh..." I mumbled, and then turned my attention away from the class so that I could think about a proper answer. "I don't know any boys."

"Oh, you got a girlfriend?"

"I'm not old enough for that," I said, and I was blushing almost as much as I did when I'd wet myself in front of my family. But this embarrassment wasn't the same; I just wanted the question to go away. There was no kind of excitement hiding behind the blushes. My friends laughed, but it was just the same teasing any of us would give each other. "I mean... uhh... What? Why would I have a boyfriend?"

"Alice," Gem asked, with a little laugh hidden behind her voice. "You've been staring into space instead of scribbling away in your book. And you've got such a big smile. Like you can't believe how lucky you are, you know? You're really not dating?"

It was about then that the teacher called out Gem's name, and asked us to pay attention in class. Well, that was probably a good idea. So we were having lunch before I could answer the question. Of course I couldn't just let it drop; they remembered to ask me again, and this time just about all of my friends were there to hear my answer. About the only gap in the normal crowd was Lyra; and by that point I knew why she had been switched to homeschooling.

"Who is it?" Linnea asked, and I knew I wasn't going to get away without giving her a name. Or at least an answer of some kind. I thought about it for a minute longer, wondering what I could say. I didn't want to get Mum in trouble, not now she understood that Sarah wasn't a bad girl. But I didn't want to lie, either. So I thought that the best I could do was telling them a part of the truth.

"It's not a boy," I said. "I mean... I think I just felt proud of myself. I found out... Mum thought Sarah was doing something really bad, and she wanted to punish her without even asking what's going on. I worked out where Mum made a mistake, and I told her. She said sorry, and now they're kind of happy again. And I get a treat for doing a good thing, so I got a reason to smile."

"What kind of treat?" Penny asked, and I wished I could take back those words. But maybe the truth was the right answer after all. Or part of it.

"I don't have to do the chores so much. I don't have to tidy my room this week, because Mum's doing it in the time she would have spent punishing Sarah."

"Wow, that's cool!" Everybody agreed with that. Of course, they wouldn't have been so impressed if I told them that Mum had been tidying up my room so that she could find convenient places to put my diapers and stuff. Still, I could look forward to Mum doing more stuff for me. And holding me close, treating me gently, and helping me in every way as it became harder to think big girl thoughts.

It was getting harder to do my school work, though. Over the next week or two, I started to realise that I was getting confused sometimes. If I woke up wet, I wouldn't properly understand the first class of the day. I might get confused, and I might need a little extra help to get it. That worried me to start with, but then I realised that everything was happening like it was supposed to. If I wanted to stop thinking about all the hard stuff, then I needed to be less smart. And I kind of liked it, not needing to know everything. But as it went on longer, I think the teachers started to notice that I wasn't doing as well as I usually did. A couple of times, they asked if I had slept properly, or if there was something wrong. And so, after another week, Mum came into school with me to speak to a couple of my teachers. I was really nervous this time; because Mum hadn't told me what she would be saying.

I was in the dark. Just like Sarah would have been. Mummy would do everything for me, and I didn't need to know what was happening. But it still felt really exciting, and I hoped that I wasn't going to be in trouble. I felt extra safe with Mummy holding my hand, though, and I didn't care at all if anybody laughed as she led me through the school. Today was an extra special day; I was back in diapers under my clothes, to remind me of what a little baby I was. Not just the pull-ups this time; Mum had changed me right before school, with the special wipes that made my bum feel all tingly, and I hadn't even seen what diapers she was putting me in. I just knew that they were the ones with four tapes to make them fit really well, and even hidden under my skirt, I could feel them like a reminder that I was a baby.

I sat outside the principal's office, while all my friends walked past. I started wondering if they would see my diaper under my skirt while I was sat there. Was it an extra cute one? One of the pink ones, or one with bright colours? I still had just as much curiosity as usual, even if I didn't know the word for it, and I didn't like not knowing things. I lifted up the bottom of my skirt to look, but straight away Mummy's hand was on the back of mine, pushing it back down again.

"Not now, sweetie," she said. "You don't want everybody to see your underwear, do you?"

I looked around at the other kids walking past. Nobody was looking at me anyway.

"But I want to see!" I said.

"Later, sweetie," she said. And I knew that when Mummy said something in that serious voice, I needed to listen.

"Yes, Mummy," I said, and blushed. But Mummy praised me, and that made me feel so good. I didn't need to think anymore, I just had to be a good girl. And then we were called in, while I still had no idea at all what we were going to talk about. I didn't have to worry about what to say, and I had never felt so free.

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