53. Mummies Learn New Tricks

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"Is Mummy here?" I asked Monique. I couldn't see Mummy from here, so I'd gone to the first person I saw on the beach. And I was sure that she could help me whether that meant knowing where Mummy was, or suggesting one of the other mummies who might be willing to change me.

"She's just looking after Hannah," Monique said. "Is there something you need? She said you would probably ask your sister if you need a grown-up."

"I think I..." I blushed, and it was hard to say again. That was even more proof that my baby thoughts were just slipping away. "I might need a change. I went to find Sarah but she's busy now. I don't want to disturb them anymore."

"Okay, honey. Can I get you changed then? Do you trust me to look after you until your Mummy gets back?" I just nodded, and she gave me a quick smile. Then she picked up her diaper bag over one shoulder, and picked up Piggy in the other so she was leading both of us along. It was so cute, and that reminded me of how small I really was compared to her. It made me feel small and safe again, and that was exactly what I needed.

There was a changing station nearby, in a little tiled room. Of course, in the part of the park designed for little kids, there were probably quite a few. Monique lifted me up onto the changing table and strapped me in to make sure I didn't fall off, before she lifted the bag up beside me. I blushed as the unfastened my diaper, but being treated like a little kid was enough to start making me feel smaller than before. She untaped my diaper and wiped me down, all the time cooing at me like I was a real baby. I didn't know what wipes she was using, but I knew I would be happy to be surprised.

"Not a stinky butt today," Monique said with a smile. "Just extra soggy. Did you feel that you made tinkles, baby? You're almost a big girl, aren't you? When you're a real baby, you won't even be able to tell." I blushed and giggled, then shook my head. I hadn't felt myself pee; but I was pretty sure I had done, because I knew that I was rarely dry for more than an hour at a time now.

"Well then," she said, "do you know which pattern of diapers you would prefer? Did your mummy give you a choice before? Because I don't think I have those ones, and I'm not sure which ones she prefers." My first answer was more blushes. And then I realised that I should just ask for what I wanted. Mummy usually listened to me if I asked her for something in particular, and Monique sounded like she wanted to pick one Mummy would be happy with.

"Can I have one that makes my head feel all fuzzy?" I asked. "Like the regular blocks ones? I don't know about these swimming ones. But I kind of started thinking too much grown-up stuff, and when I talked to Sarah I couldn't stop thinking about what's the right thing to do and what I should say and all the responsibility and everything, and it's not so much fun when that happens."

"Aww, you're a silly one," she said, putting on a bg fake smile. "Diapers don't change who you are. You're just a baby, you shouldn't say it's something else." For a second I hesitated; wondering if there was any possible way she really didn't know. But I'd seen the other mummies asking her for tips, and I knew that she had to be the one making her little girls into babies again. Out of all the other families, she was the one I was most sure knew what she was doing.

"I read some of Mummy's book," I said. "And I read some stuff on that forum where you know her from. Mothers Hub I think it was."

"You must have misunderstood," she said quickly, and I didn't really understand why she was being so defensive. "Your Mummy loves you, and she'd only ever try to help you. You shouldn't tell anybody about that stuff, because you're not really big enough to understand it." And then I thought maybe I might understand. She was worried because she thought I'd figured out what Mummy was doing to me. She had it all the wrong way around.

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