Battle Of The Smithsonain, Part 8: You Got This.

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(A/N: this chapters gonna be kinda long, so thay i dont have to keep making so many chapters. Their's still gonna be updates, but making them longer will shorten the amount)

"Oh GOD, dad! It's already bad enough that the gang's being held hostage in the Archives right now! Oh, God, I'm starting to panic real bad!" Y/n started panicking over what just happened. "I know, I know! And it didn't help that I probably gave him the idea to put Jed in that hourglass! I'm sorry, Y/n. I dragged you into this." Larry sighed. "What? No! If anything, I wanted to come along! my friends are in danger, and I need to have their back!" Y/n said. Larry just sadly and worriedly looked Y/n. "You're a brave kid for that, you know?" Larry said. They then ran back into Amelia.

"There you two are, are you alright?" Amelia asked, "I've been worried sick! Sick I tell you!" "No, we're fine." Larry reassured Amelia. "So what's our next move, partners?" She asked. "I dunno, I just gotta get this tablet translated." Larry answered. When the three walked into the next room, the octopus from earlier stopped them from going further.

"Look, buddy, we don't want any trouble, all right?" Larry asked. He then looked at a painting of the sea by Joseph M. W. Turner. Larry gave Y/n the tablet, took the painting, and waved it at the octopus, letting all the water out and hydrating the 8-legged creature. He whistled happily, as he smeared the water on the rest of him.

"Hm! I guess our sassy cephalopod was just a fish who didn't like being out of water." Amelia commented, "He's not such a ballywagger after all." The three started walking again, but then the octopus grabbed Larry for a hug.

"Okay. Glad you're happy." Larry said, as the octopus sorta kissed him with its tentacles. The octopus let go, and Larry wiped off the wetness from the octopus (not like that. get your minds out of the gutters). They all started walking again to hear a familiar voice.

"Hello? A little assistance?" the voice hollered. Larry looked to see it was Teddy, but he was different. He didn't have... arms. Or legs. Or a torso.

"Oh, Teddy! Perfect!" Larry said. The three ran up to Teddy, "Perhaps you could help us."

"I'd love to help you, but first thing's first. My nose is so itchy, it's driving me insane! I hate to ask, but, as you see, I'm missing a few body parts. Could you please give just a scratch?" Teddy asked. Larry scratched his nose as he made sounds of satisfaction that made Y/n uncomfortable. Larry then stopped.

"Sweet rutabaga pie, that was divine. Theodore Roosevelt, at your service." Teddy said.

"26th president of the United States," Larry said. "Rough Rider," Y/n added. "Founder of the national parks" Larry added. "The reason stuffed bears exist" Y/n added on top of the other things. "Yeah, and a whole bunch of other stuff, too." Larry finished.

"Have we met?" Teddy asked.

"Oh, no, there's another Teddy. We have one of you in New York." Larry answered. 

"Really? What's he like, this other me?"

"He's pretty much the same, except with..."

"Except what? Say it! Except with a body?"

"...Yes, he has a body."

"Oh, dash it, the pain!"

"...And a horse."

Y/n elbow jabbed Larry again, but not as hard this time.

"Excuse me! We really need someone to translate what's written on this tablet. Do you read hieroglyphics?" Amelia got to the point. "Yes, I do, missy." Teddy said. Amelia lifted the tablet to him and he read it. "That's a simple one." Teddy said.

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