14: Quest For Answers

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3rd person pov:

Bakugou glanc3s over to see izuku unconscious on the floor and growls.

Toga:"Calm down guard dog.  The whore is still alive."

Sho:"You said your bosses want him alive. Why?"

Toga:"They spent way too much time and money on him. Even going as far as to make up a story about his father to justify kidnapping him. His father didn't owe them money. The boss's father enslaved him until he ended his life."

Sho:"Who are your bosses?!"

Baku:"You're being ophly cooperative."

Toga chuckles with glee.

Toga:"suspensions of everyone you meet? Good, you'll live longer unlike your friend here."

Baku:"babe, back away."

Sho:"Bakugou, you can't be serious. This is our only chance."


Todoroki is surprised since this is the first time Bakugou has used his actual name. So he backs away to give Toga room."

As Toga smirks. Bakugou shoots the knife she had just pulled out from her sleeve out of her hand.

Baku:"I know a bullshitter when I see one. Tell us the truth."

Toga:"The best lie always starts with the truth. You of all people should know that, Blonde Devil."

As bakugou reaches to grab Toga. She front flips and kicks bakugou in the family jewels. As she cartwheels to the window. Shoto tries shooting her. Out of the eight shots fired. Only one got her in the calf muscle of her left leg. With another knife. She breaks the window and makes her escape.

Shoto runs to catch sight of her. Only to see no one on the street below.

Shoto:"Damnit. Stay with izuku. I'll give chase."

Baku:"There's no need. She would kill you before you knew what happened."

Sho:"If she gets back to them. They'll know where we are."

Baku:"They already know. Sherif takami works directly under the fire boss."

Shoto looks down in defeat. Only for bakugou to smirk and place a hand on his shoulder.

Baku:"I've got a plan. To lure the bosses out. It's risky, but if all goes as planned. We'll take them down."

Meanwhile Toga hides in a nearby alley and dresses her wound.

Toga:"Damn those cops. I can't go back until my mission is complete. Though I don't know why frost wants his little brother dead."

Shiggy:"Is that right?"

Toga freezes in fear. As two hands come up from the shadows behind her and grab ahold.

When she opens her eyes again. She's groggy and on her knees. Everything looks like it's moving and chains bind her wrists to the ground behind her back. A light shines above her. As darkness fills the rest of the room.

Keigo:"What's this I hear about you trying to kill the boss's little brother? Have you forgotten what we've done for you and your disabled big brother?"

Toga:"I haven't forgotten."

Keigo:"Then why would you try to kill family?"

A fuzzy feeling comes over her.

Toga:"It wasn't my idea to kill him. It was a job I was told to do."

Keigo:"Who gave the orders?"

As Toga opens her mouth to speak. A whistle sounds before she falls forward. Revealing a gun shot to her shine.

Keigo looks to see the frost boss walking up with his ice cycle crossbow in hand.


Boss:"She was going to lie to you. Never trust Toga to ever tell the truth."

Keigo watches as the boss leaves. His eyes narrow with suspicion.

So Keigo waits a few minutes for the boss to leave. Once the coast is clear. He dial a number.

Keigo:"This is sherif takami. I need to call in a crime scene. Get an ambulance asap."

Keigo wipes the chains down to erase any evidence and whispers to Toga.

Keigo:"I won't let you die until I get answers. After I get what I want.  Your service will ensure Jin is taken care of for the rest of his life."

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