Part 1 Routine

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It's been about a month since Kip and Ash revealed themselves as amaranthine to Landmark elementary. Over this time Kip found a new routine. It used to be Kip and Ash all the time. Now it was Kip and Joe, but only half the time. Kip really enjoyed this little routine I had with Jiro. Every other day after work I head over to the Reaverson farm. Sometimes Kip even left work a little early to see if he could get to the entrance before Jiro even though it never happened. When he arrives it's always the same Jiro is at the entrance to the farm waiting for me. Kip meanders up to Joe and then jumps into his arms for a hug. Kip asks "did you wait long" and Joe always responds with a reassuring "Nope".

Kip would then follow Joe around the farm and he finished up his work. Kip would chatter on and on and Joe would listen, making small remarks every once in and while. This was their normal, their favorite time of the day. After Joe and Kip had dinner with the Reversons along with Ash then they all went their separate ways for bed except Kip would sneak around to go to Joe's room. "Jiro come here," Kip said, gesturing towards the bed. Joe complied. This was the night routine of cuddles, trending, and talking. Getting comfy Joe adjusted on the bed getting in a close position with kip. Laying with each other they'd continue the conversations from before. Work, the farm, stories, funny kids and funny customers.

When Joe started to get sleepy he would begin tending, often Kips reaction was to hold him closer not that Joe minded. He started to enjoy the touch and the cuddling even in speaking form, even more in speaking form than truest form. Cuddling a soft squirrel was always nice but it was better when Kip was in speaking form. Jiro felt more secure with Kip this way.

Kip sighed "I love this", mumbling in his raspy voice, Joe replied "I do too". There was this comfortable calm that followed. This was the best feeling. Of being closer to another to being understood. For one of the first times Joe broke the silence. "Um Kip, what do you do on the days you aren't here?". "I stay at my place, it's empty because Ash is over here with Tami. It's so quiet there you know? I much prefer it here" a simple "hmm" is what joe offered in response. Joe broke the silence again with another question. "Are you lonely there?" kip throat for a moment "It's true I don't like the quite, you know I love company but when I am there I know the next day is when I get to stay with you and I'm happy with that" Continuing "I do have to stay over there every once in a while to make sure the place doesn't go into complete disarray I also don't want you to get bored with me. I know I can be a lot, and making this an everyday thing could be too much. I think I would get annoyed with myself if I had to hang out with me everyday, always talking" Kip was rambling and clinging to Joe but after saying what he was thinking he thought that maybe he should give Jiro more space. He didn't want to overwhelm him and lose him. He slowly loosened his grip. After Kip's spiel Joe grabbed tight and brought Kip even closer "I don't think I could ever get bored of you or annoyed. So don't say those things" He said it so firmly that Kip didn't know if he was in trouble or not either way it was kinda a relief to hear. Joe wouldn't ever be annoyed with him. It felt like a promise that couldn't be kept, though it made him feel better. Pulling in for the final time Jiro finally fell asleep and Kip enjoyed the closeness he had with him. Rapping his tail around Jiro and drifting off into haze.

The Next morning they followed their routine, waking up incredibly early. Both Kip and Joe got ready for the work ahead, Joe for the farm and Kip for his job as a janitor. Before Kip left he said "See you soon Jiro" and with a wink we jumped out of the window. Joe looked out to see him also face the plant but then caught himself and turned it into a flip with a perfect landing. Kip looked back at joe. Joe gave a quiet clap and whispered "you always have a flair for the dramatic '' then Joe turned to his room and Kip left for work.

Joe made his way through the daily rounds checking on the animals and equipment, changing the schedule for extra vistist and so forth. Joe was still the first human awake but now their simple farm had become an enclave and there was also some amaranthine or kith walking around in the morning. Most of them would acknowledge Joe with a nod and move on. They usually were out of way by the time guests arrived. Some would still walk around but guests didn't seem to notice them. Joe suspected they had wards like the ones on him to hide his soul. And maybe that these wards are what kept the ameranthine uninterested in him. The new company on the morning rounds weren't unwelcome but definitely different. The farm was less quiet as before he didn't feel alone. A few kithe had investigated Joe in these early mornings on occasion. They seemed kind. Joe had enjoyed running into kithe. They had a knowing poise to them and Joe could feel their strength and maybe not being able to talk helped. He wouldn't have to think of what to say except for being polite of course. Good morning to passersby and ask for permission if he wants to pet. This morning was like the others, a few good mornings and nods and the daily chores.

During work Joe would often think about kip. What he was doing or just his smile when he talked about everything and anything. But today Joe thought about what Kip said last night. About being lonely and looking forward to spending the night here. Joe was worried, he wanted Kip to be happy and looking forward to spending time together wasn't something that only Kip wanted, Joe also looked forward to seeing Kip. Kip was one of the best parts of his day. Joe also knew that he was going to be lonely. Tami was moving out of the house to Bitiy's tree, it wasn't a far move but still his twin was going farther away. Construction on Bitiy's house was one of the top priorities for the enclave. Everyone worried about Bity's midnight escapes. So Tami moving closer to watch over Bity was a good thing but he couldn't help feeling that loneliness.

Then a thought occurred to Joe. It was pretty obvious but why didn't he think of it till now. He would of course need to ask Tami and his parents but he was sure they'd say yes. Why doesn't Kip move in next door? This way Kip wouldn't be alone and neither would Joe and they would also be together and they could share their joy every night instead of every other. He continued to plan in his head while fishing up his chores quickly, he wanted to ask his sister as soon as she got home.

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