Part 17 Understanding

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When Joe and Tami reached the porch Tami was the one to speak up. "Let's get going! Everyone must be hungry." Looking at the pair still sitting Joe added a "Come on" with a faint smile. Seeing it like permission Kip rose and followed the twins inside. Kip was paying extra attention to Jiro's behavior and maybe that's why he noticed how odd the rest of the reaversons were acting. Upon first entry there were concerned looks at Tami and stern looks at Ash. But that quickly changed. The reaversons were whispering trying to figure out what happened because apparently they expect Jiro to be mad. Why did they think he would be mad? And why were they being acustory to Ash when it was him who did wrong? Kip looked to his best friend. Ash looked serene, like he expected this to happen. Ash gave him a signal. All is well. This will pass. Tami smiled warmly. Joe spoke up then. "Let's have dinner. I'm hungry." Then everything shifted into a more kind of normal no one was worried about Tami and no one was eyeing Ash. What had just happened?

Food was set out, conversations of enclave and farm events, and Kip ate a whole lot which Ms. Reaverson seemed to prepare for seeing how much extra food there was today. Jiro was quieter than usual during dinner. He was always quiet but usually he'd participate in farm chatter. Kip wasn't as close today; he didn't touch Joe as openly. There was also Tami who was taking most of Joe's attention. Tami was acting like a brace for Joe. Making it possible to be distracted while also being able to see what Kip would do. Kip's distance hurt Joe but he wouldn't let it show. He caught Kip looking at him. Maybe he should do something. Turning to face Kip he asked "Did you get a good rest?" It sounded so awkward but it was the only question he could think of. Kip waited second then responded with as much enthusiasm as you expected from him. Kip regaled the table with dreams and the grandad told the table facts about sleep patterns and Ash and Kip added their own experiences as a crosser and how that affects their sleep. Joe tried to act like his usual self and Kip relaxed into his normal dinner mode. Normal. That release of tension between them made the whole table feel more at ease. And the dinner finished without a hitch.

After dinner the family started to move to the TV room to watch the news. But before Kip could follow he signaled Ash. Talk about earlier. The way of his tail made it a question. Ash signaled back. Later. Fix your trust. In reference to joe. Turning to the Living room he was stopped by Hori Reaverson and Tami escorted Joe into the living room away from Kip. The Reaverson girls had planned this.

Turning to face Ms. Reaverson, Kip said "Hello."

"Something happened to Joe. Do you know what?" Kip realized he was in for a scolding. He wouldn't run from it. Frankly he thought he deserved it. "Yes, something happened." Kip replied solemnly. "You're Joe's friend. He values your company. As long as you know something, you'll try to help right? Get him to open up." She paused. "Help." Kip was surprised. "Of course I'd help, I care for Jiro very much, that's no secret."

"My Joe is a strong boy but he has always been quiet. It was so nice seeing him open up to you and gain a friend I just needed to make sure you won't abandon him"

"I could never I'm more afraid he'd leave me." That was a confession Kip wasn't planning on making but it was out in the world now. She grabbed his hands "you're a good person. Good enough for my boy. Now go find him." And like that she was gone. En route to the sitting room with the rest. He wasn't expecting to get Hiro Reaversons approval and whatever that may entail. He went to the sitting room. But Joe wasn't sitting in his normal spot, instead he was standing against the wall like he was ready to escape.

"Making an escape plan?" Kip said

"Only if you come with" Kip paused. Jiro had always been straight forward. Giving a small nod to Jiro. They made their way to Joe's room. Joe entered right away but Kip hesitated at the threshold. Joe turned back "what are you waiting for?" Kip closed the door behind him then began. "I hurt you and..." He trailed off. "I didn't know if you wanted space from me" Kip Looked down at his feet. "Is that what you want?" Joe said in a controlled voice. Kip looked at Jiro. "No. I don't want to be away from you" Jiro noticeably relaxed. He got into bed and beckoned for Kip to join him. Kip practically jumped in. "Jiro I'm so sorry if I made you feel unwanted. That was never my intention. I was just worried that you would hate me for what happened before." Joe took his time thinking of a response. "Did I embarrass you in front of your family or did you not want your family to know about me?" Jiro's voice broke at the end of the sentence. "What No. Jiro, I'm not embarrassed by you. I'm not good enough for you. I haven't been proper with you and anyone with my clan can tell I'm very attached to you but I haven't told my parents and they'd be upset with me" Jiro reasoned "so your parents wouldn't like me"

"No Jiro they would love you but they're a bunch of nosey busy bodies and are kinda a lot I didn't want them to overwhelm you and..."

"I wouldn't mind meeting them. I mean I already met a few nice people there." Kip couldn't help feeling a little bit jealous that Jiro would replace him with another Woodacre, one that wouldn't get scared of a reaction that might happen. Kip buried his face into Jiro's chest. "I'm so sorry Jiro if there's anything I can do. Just please don't send me away"

"Kip, I never wanted you away." Joe stroked the Kips back "Kip... Why did you kiss me?" Kip froze, he didn't want to confess and ruin this. How could he if Jiro sent him away? What would he do and he wasn't just afraid because the tending would end but this would too. His Jiro wouldn't want to see him or hang out with him. He wouldn't be able to do it. Joe felt Kip's tension rise. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to but I'm going to talk. I talked with Jiminy. When you kissed me you said you missed. Were you trying to kiss my chin? As a thank you? I didn't mind the kiss you know. I thought maybe..." He trailed off "But when you woke up and were panicking I thought that you thought I took it the wrong way and were disgusted by the idea that we might be like that." Joe was starting to ramble. "And that you didn't want to be close anymore that I was breaking a line by giving you acorns or holding you like this." Kip relaxed into Jiro and flipped them so Joe was laying on top of Kip. Kip held him close. "Jiro, I'm an Idiot. I could never be disgusted with you. I'll be in any way I can. I really appreciated the acorn, sweet Jiro, stay close as long as I don't become too much for you."

"I don't think you could be too much. '' Joe realized that Kip didn't answer the original question. He guessed Kip must have done it by accident and that Kip just wanted this. Kip's fear of him leaving was completely unfounded. Joe couldn't, wouldn't leave Kip as long as Kip wanted to be around him. It was getting late and Joe was starting to fall asleep.

Kip avoided the question he just wasn't brave enough for that but it seems Jiro wants him close as well. Kip stroked Jiro's hair and back. He made a vow to himself to never let Jiro think he was unwanted ever again. Jiro was his choice but he couldn't tell if he was Jiro's or if Jiro even thought of men that way. Why was this so hard? He wanted to do so much but couldn't. But a piece of advice flew into his head. I can brush his hair. 

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