Part 7 Not Sneaky

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About a week after Kip's admitting his feelings for Joe to Ash was moving day. Ash had time to think of ways to help his friend. But the one that he thought was the best was to stay out of it. He would help Kip gather information about Joe but past that he thought his interference would actually just be a detriment. He was happy for Kip but he was a little confused. Instead of a talkative, cooking squirrel lady he had found a quiet, farming human man. His prediction for Kip's future partner was way off. But as long as Kip was happy he supported his choices. What Ash didn't expect was how good they work together. Moving day was on a weekend and they were all there to help move Tami's things and set up the new space. Tami no longer just had a room, she had a small cottage for her and Bity and eventually Ash too. While packing and unpacking he noticed them together. Their conversations flowed so easily, light and fresh. They joked and teased and worked efficiently together. Like they knew what the other wanted to do and was there to help. Mutually supporting each other. They seemed like they knew each other for years and the emotions they had for each other could not have been more obvious. It was actually a little embarrassing to watch. Ash turned away from the not together couple. To see Tami. He put his arm around her. "What do you think about space?"

"I love it" she said but she was still looking at Kip and Joe as they chatted while setting up the small kitchen. "Aren't they adorable together?"

"They are too bad they don't notice the others feelings"

"Too bad" Tami agreed "Too bad" Bity echoed. He didn't even see Bity walk up. "Hey Bity, How are you"

"I like the new house. Tami will be here more." She said in a smiley voice. "Are they in love?" Bity pointed to Joe and Kip. "Like sister and Ash?" Both Ash and Tami looked at each other not knowing what to say. Yes Joe and Kip were in love with each other but they didn't know it yet. And a tree Imp might want to interview where she shouldn't. Tami took the lead for this one. "We think they're in love but it's a secret."

"A secret"

"Yes, so we can't tell them yet. Okay?"

"Okay" Then she was off walking away probably to create mischief somewhere. Crisis averted. They both looked at each other and laughed. "Those two better figure it out before Bity tells them herself."

"That's true but neither of them know what they're doing."

"Oh I don't think that's completely true. Joe has taken up acorn collecting and has been hiding them for Kip."

"Kip would love that. I don't know how they do this without confessing for one another"

"I just think it's a matter of time. I don't know how Kip is resisting my price of a brother"

"I don't know how he's able to stop himself at all. I couldn't stay away from you" That comment made Tami blush. But she thought about it.
"I don't think he's staying away, I just think he's not saying it with words. I think Joe on some level can tell that Kip likes him too or else he wouldn't be as happy as he is now." They both look over to see them both laughing about something and standing ever so close together. "I think this is the happiest I've seen him. I'm so happy he found Kip"

"Actually about your brother. What's his favorite color? I'm asking for a friend."

"I bet I could guess who for"

"I bet you could too"

"To be honest I don't actually know I haven't asked in years, so you'll have to ask him yourself"

"Will you provide a distraction for me"

"Sure" and though some kind of sister sense Bity arrived then Tami scooped her up. "Bity could you go play with Kip for a bit Ash needs to talk to Joe" No response needed Bity jumped out of her arms and patted away towards the other pair. And was soon dragging Kip the hand outside and into her branches to play tag leaving Joe to watch fondly as they left. Ash walked over with the opening that Bity had provided. He was Kip's wingman and now it was time to get some information. Joe wasn't oblivious to what was happening mostly because Bity had said she was taking Kip so Ash could talk to him but it was very cute that Bity thought she was being sneaky. So he pretended not to know why Ash was now walking up to him. "Hello" he said "Hello" Ash said back. Then they just stood there. Joe went back to setting up the kitchen like he was doing before. Finally Ash broke the silence probably to ask what he had been wanting to ask in the first place. "So... ah what's your favorite color?" That was it Joe was a little underwhelmed "Red. I like the auburn red color."

"What's your favorite food?" Ash asked Joe then realized that it wasn't only Bity who wasn't sneaky Ash wasn't sneaky either. But it was fine.

"I'm not picky I'm fine with anything"

"But if you had to pick what would it be"

"How about you tell me Kip's favorite food then I'll tell you mine" Ash pondered and quickly agreed "His favorite food is Honey nut bars with candied walnuts" Joe thought about that. It sounded hard to make but it made sense for Kip wasn't his mom a baker? He was determined to learn how to make it. "My favorite food is apple pie" and just like that Ash was silent again Joe guessed that all the questions he had were answered. "Why did you ask?"

"I was just wondering," Ash shrugged. Joe didn't know if he believed that but he could just ask Kip later. It was just the beginning of moving day and there was still plenty of time. But No quicker did Ash arrive then he left. After a few minutes puttering in the kitchen Ash tried to stroll casually out the door. The same way Kip and Bity had gone. The Ash was replaced with Tami where they continued to work in peaceful silence. 

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