Part 13 Worries

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A light kiss touched the corner of Joe's lips and Kip whispered "Oh, I missed" then promptly collapsed in Joe's arms. Heart thumping Joe moved Kip to the bed. One kip was placed and Joe began to pace. 'What did that mean?!' Joe brushed where the kiss fell over and over imagining it in his head. 'Was that intentional? Or did he just trip? I mean that could have been intentional right, was that a signal?' Joe knew he wanted it to be a symbol that Kip's face looked like it was full of love but Joe couldn't bring himself to believe it. Besides, Kip was tired, which means it couldn't have been intentional, right? It had to be some sort of gesture, some amaranthine meaning he didn't know. Yeah that's it it was maybe a thank you or something but even with a more logical brain working his heart was still beating fast. It was so close to being a real kiss so close for this feeling to be real.

Brain still scattered he caught his alarm clock out of the corner of his eye. It was late, really late. He needed to sleep. He would need to think of a plan tomorrow but to get to tomorrow he needed to sleep and currently there was a kip in his bed. Kip was often in his bed but right now Jiro doubted he'd be able to sleep curled up to Kip. As Joe began lowering himself to the floor when he was attacked by a bushy red tail. Encircling him, the tail was a lot stronger than he thought when it pulled him onto the bed. With much shock and surprise Joe began to laugh. He did so quietly trying not to wake his companion up. He found his way to his usual spot with Kip when they were sleepy worrying they could wait till later. For now he could be comfortable in the familiar routine they have.

When it was time to wake up Joe had to pry himself from Kip's arms. He needed to work but he also needed to inform Ash about the long rest and he wanted to talk to Jiminy before Kip woke up. Stretching, Joe whispered "good morning". Making for the door he paused and looked back at Kip, his heart started to beat again and he quickly made his escape.

Heart was still pounding when he got to the spot where Spangle usually greets him. He was relieved to see it was just Spangle and not Spangle plus squirrels. "I'm glad it's only you today" realizing that that could easily be misconstrued "I mean I like the Woodacers but I just didn't want to see them today" He was rambling "It's not like I don't want to see them they're fine but i wanted to think and not be distracted by them oh this seems to be getting worse and worse do you know what I mean"? Spangle yawned and walked until he was right next to Joe and pushed his snout into Joe's stomach, stopping him. Joe halted and looked down into concerned eyes. "I'm sorry Spangle I'm worrying you" Spangle huffed at that and rubbed him again. Joe jostled and pet behind Spangle's ears. "Something happened and I don't know what it means. It could just be a friendly gesture or it could mean.." Joe trailed off ears and cheeks burning. "It could mean something good, something I've been hoping for" Joe went silent for a while. The wolf kith knew this wasn't all there was to the story and poked his side again. "I'm afraid" a statement, something true. "I'm afraid I'm getting my hopes up and in just a little while I'll find out that my hope was wrong and that my hopes will push Kip away." Spangle sat there on his haunches the kith knew this was a bit silly smell alone could show how much Kip liked him but fears are never silly to the people who feel them. With a whine Spangle stood up and prodded Joe's leg. Laughing a little Joe began to pet spangle as he walked. Spangle couldn't speak but could say so much. 'It's going to be fine, trust yourself, you're not alone.'

After completing all the necessary work it was early afternoon. Usually he'd be off to watch the stand now but he was lucky enough to find someone to cover. He had the afternoon to himself and as much as he wanted to go running to Kip to be safe with his presence he needed to find out what last night meant. He needed to take a trip to Founder's coffee.

Arriving in a nearby campus parking lot Joe couldn't feel more out of place. He looked very much like a farming boy on a hip college campus. It was filling him with nerves. Trying to quickly find his way to Founder's he managed to gain the attention of a few passers which he shied away from. Thinking there was no hope a pretty boy walked up to him with the brightest blue eyes. He looked like a fashion model. His clothes were really nice looking and it made him feel even more drab. "Are you lost?" startled back from his thoughts joe answered "yes" they stood slightly for a bit During the silence joe thought that the blues felt out of place like the blue was moved. That thought reminded him of how he knew Kip was an amaranthine. The pretty boy smiled and said "Where are you going? I can't give you directions if I don't know where you are going."

"Ah! I'm being very rude sorry" Joe quickly held out his hands palm up

"I'm Joe Reverson and I'm looking for Founders coffee" The pretty boy looked shocked then smiled then grabbed Joe by the hand and pulled. Next thing Joe knew he was in a clothing shop and surrounded by four pretty boys.

Quickly sized up, measured, and asked his opinion on frills which he gave a hard no on. Three of the four boys set off to work. The one he thought was in charge of accessories stayed behind and asked him so many questions about clothing preferences he lost count. He turned around and gave his brothers directions with an emphasis on practicality while they picked out clothes. Only then was he given brief introductions. An hour later he had a new outfit on, hands full of bags with more clothes then he had ever bought at once before; had been thoroughly complimented on his rugged style, his gentle looks, and his ability to have spotted them as amaranthine even though they had disguised on. They were really nice. He met the four sun fleches and was told to come again because they like the challenge of making something stylish and practical for farm work. Then was told his destination was only two doors down. 

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