Part 21 Plans

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The next day Kip and Joe started together the entire day. In the morning Joe braided Kip's hair and Kip brushed Joe's hair. Kip was all over Joe, never letting him get completely out of reach. At breakfast this behavior did not go unnoticed. Joe always affected the mood of the household so when everyone gathered for breakfast it was easy to tell Joe was happy and Kip was the reason. Kip didn't know what Jiro wanted to tell his family right away or not. But once everyone was sitting at the table. Three generations of reversons plus Ash, Kip and Biddy. Joe spoke up. "Um. I have an announcement." He looked over at Kip and grabbed his hand underneath the table. Kip gave his hand a little squeeze and gave him a little nod. "Me and Kip we are courting now." The table was host to a few blank stares and then Tami spoke. "Congratulations Joe" and she gave her twin a hug. Ash gave Kip a pat on the back. "You did it." Kip spoke then "It was actually mostly Joe."

"Both of my kids are courting what an exciting time." Hiro said and Joe's father looked over at Joe and said "You did a good job. Now Kip is really a part of the family. I'm so glad you found someone you love."

"Both my grandkids found their way to amaranthine."

"Joey boy likes Kip?"

"That's right Chickabiddy I like kip a whole lot."

"The same way Tami likes ash."

"Yes, just like that."

They made their way towards the field talking about grand ideas, futures, and plans. "Jiro, can I add more sigils to you?"

"What type of sigils could you be adding?"

"The type that says your mine romantically. That we are courting and to tell anyone else to back off." Joe chuckled. "I don't think you need to worry about competition." He gave a small peck on the nose. "As long as you add a sigil to yourself saying I'm courting you and that others should back off. I don't know how to write sigils myself so it's up to you but is that okay." Kip picked him up and twirled him around. "Yes Jiro I will." He said as he brought Jiro to the ground. Kip traced sigil on Joe's hand and one on his own. Then he grabbed his hand and held it as they walked.

Spangle made their way to Joe like usual. Joe let go of his hand to great Spangle. Spangle sniffed Joe's hand and looked at Kip while Joe gave spangle some pets around the head. Spangle waged their tail happily for their friends' happiness. "Good morning Spangle" Spangle nosed his hand. "Can you tell? Kip put a sigil there. We're courting now." Joe whispered the last part with a soft smile. Spangle's tail waged and thumped the ground in approval. "Thank you friend." Spangle stood up and went to Kip. "It's nice to finally meet you Spangle. Thank you for taking care of Jiro." Spangle sneezed at him then stalked off into the trees. "Where is the spangle going?" Kip asked "propbally to get the squirrels." Kip looked at Jiro a little shocked. "Spangle will usually walk with me but some time they left and came back with several squirrel kits. So I bet they're going to go tell your family the news." Kip hugged him from behind and wrapped his tail around to press Jiro against him. "Will you meet my family properly? And possibly soon? I would like to introduce you to my mother and the rest of my family properly. As my choice. Would you be okay with that?"

"Of course I'll meet your family but we are going to meet some here as well right?"

"Right" Kip didn't let go. Joe turned around inside of Kip's arms and stood on his toes to give a small pick. "Introduce me properly, okay I'm going to need to learn their names." Joe grabbed Kip's hand and kept walking. Just like Joe predicted Spangle came back with several squirrel kith riding there back. Joe greeted them with a simple hello and kept walking at a leisurely pace. Kip walked up to the Kith and showed them his hand. "He told me to add this sigil," Kip said proudly. Joe chuckled and put his hand out to let a few other kids observe the sigil on his hand. Small chitters all around and approving nods. Kips face was a little pink. Joe walked over and placed a hand on his face. "Kip, your face is pink, is everything okay?"

"Yes, they all approve and are teasing me a bit." Kip said with a smile. "Oh that's right you can talk with them." Joe turned to them and stopped walking. "Hello again I wasn't able to learn your names before but I can now, with Kip's help. I'm Joe." They all started chittering. "One at a time you all" One by one Joe learned these kiths' names and a little bit about them. He was slowly introduced to Kips clan through the day. They spent the day together all the while making independent plans to present gifts to each other.

Joe had kept every acorn given to him. Joe found the one first given to him and began to germinate it. Hoping it would sprout. He was planning on planting and it could grow through them with their years together. Joe also continued to find acorns and hide them for Kip to find. This was one small way Joe knew how to show affection. He also knew another way. He learned how to bake and began to bring the food he baked to his room before Kip got home.

Kip would spend time in the afternoons making sure his den was perfect. He had already fixed up the room quite a lot in the beginning. But now he knew that one day this would be his and Jiros' den. Together. He wanted it to be nice. He also went to Jiminy to ask for help picking out a stone. Jiminy was happy enough to donate a stone or order a new stone. Kip was looking for two stones to be made into rings. Jiro's favorite color is red, the color of autumn. Jiminy had a lot of small stones that he could spare. Jiminy found several with favorable songs. Kip chose one with a small but steady voice that reminded him of Jiro. And Jiminy found one that he said resonated with Kip's soul well. Kip drew out a pattern to be etched on the inside of the rings. Sigils that spoke of belonging, love, and joy.

One afternoon when Kip was still at work Joe's mom pulled him aside when he went to the house. "Jiro came here" She said, jestering to the dining room table. "Stay here for a second." She then bustled to her room. Jiro sat down wondering what she was getting. She came back with a fancy wooden box. With small flowers carved into the wood of the lid. "I was going to give this to your sister but I think she's going to get enough trinkets from Ash.'' She slid the box to Joe. He took it carefully and opened it. It was a beautiful Japanese hair pin decorated with small red flowers. Each flower was delicate and intricate. The piece was clearly very valuable. "This is too much and I don't know what I would do with this. This should go to Tami."

"I already told your sister and she agreed with me. You should give this to the one you treasure. I wore this on my wedding day, you know."

"Even more reason to give this to Tami."

"Tami already has something she's going to wear for her ceremony. But this could be something for you.. And for Kip." Joe understood then this would be for Kip. For Kip to wear. For their ceremony. Joe blushed a little. "It would look nice in Kip's hair." He said softly. He wondered what a ceremony might be like. Would that make Kip happy? Would he smile? What would he look like in a suit? Joe mom interrupted his thoughts "Thinking about Kip?" He nodded "I was wondering if he would want to have a ceremony."

While the two prepared their promises they spent their afternoons deepening their connection. Everyday they found and hid little signs of affection. Everyone let them know they were thinking of the other. Everynight Joe would tend to Kip letting the full force of his feelings be known. Joe would feed Kip by hand because he could. And Kip would kiss him because he could. They found what their everyday could be.

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