Part 23 Bondmates

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They planned for a morning ceremony and a lunch party but the afternoon would be for them. Kip and Joe planned to present one gift at the ceremony and leave anything else for when they were together. The day of the ceremony they didn't sleep together. Kip stayed in his den making sure it was perfect and had everything they would need. Early in the morning the two were escorted to different areas to get ready. The Sunflech brothers split up to make sure both of them looked great for the ceremony. They made special fitting clothing for Kip and they made sure his hair was down and untied. They were both dressed in white suites each with some Sunfletch touches to make them stand out.

All the guests stood in the song circle with Biddy's tree at the center. They walked in from opposite ends of the circle meeting in the middle with one helper each. Ashe followed behind Kip holding a decorated box and Tami followed behind Joe with a decorated box. When they met in the middle they grabbed each other's hands. "You look beautiful," Joe breathed. Kip laughed a little and wiped a tear. He was starting to cry and it hadn't even begun. Joe wiped away a tear. "Jiro I'm so happy" Joe smiled "Kip I want to make a promise to you, because you are the most important person in my world." Kip nodded. Joe turned and got the box from Tami. He opened the box and began. "Kip, I wanted to give this to you. My mother wore it on her wedding day. You are going to be family and are going to be part of our family but you'll mostly be mine. I'm going to cherish you everyday." That was Jiro's pledge. A few whistles came from a few squirrels, and a howl from the wolves. "I Love you Kip." Joe brushed some hair out of Kip's face and put it behind his ear. "Can I put this in your hair?"

"Of course you can" Kip turned around and while Jiro tucked and twisted hair Ash gave Kip a smile and mouthed 'you next'. Once Joe was done Kip grabbed his box from Ash and turned to face Jiro. Jiro smiled at him, waiting. "This is for you," Kip said while holding out a small box. "Well one is for you and one is for me. They're rings." He opened the box to show beautiful red crystal rings. They were carved with intricate sigils and shown slightly because of light that showed through them. "I'm always thinking of you. These rings are tuned to each other and to us so we can always know how the other is doing and where they are. I never want to be apart from you. And I want you to know that I'm always thinking of you" More cheers, whistles, and howls of approval. Kip grabbed Jiro's left hand and placed the ring on his finger. Joe looked at it. "It feels like you. It feels like home. Can I put this ring on you?" Kip replied with a breathless "yes" Joe took the other ring and placed it on Kip's hand. Kip smiled wide. "Can I kiss you?" Joe leaned in and kissed Kip as his response. Cheers erupted from the crowd. They are each others.

After there was a small banquet where everyone partied. There Kip and Joe danced together. They ate together. Surrounded by family and friends. After the ceremony was concluded and the party was over Kip took Joe by the hand and led him to his den. Kip picked up Joe and carried him bridal style up the stairs. Placing him down in the hallway Kip headed toward his door, towards his den. Joe turned towards his room to get his second gift for Kip. Kip turned. "This is Jiro" He said softly. "Yes I know I just need to get something" Kip stolled up behind him grabbing his waist. "I made sure to prepare for all my bondmates' needs" Joe hummed. "I'm sure you did" placing his hands on Kips. "I just have another gift for you, I won't be leaving." Joe opened the door and retrieved a sapling. Kip led him to the end of the hall, to Kip's space. A space especially made for the both of them. Opening the door Kip led him inside. The ground was covered in soft furs and blankets. The room was decorated with glowing sigils lighting up the room in a variety of colors. The place hummed with the sensation of Kip. Joe knew he was protected in this room, their room. The room was full leaving little space, a cozy sense of closeness. The walls were covered in soft things. And the window had a tint to it to let less light in. It was made to give them comfort and keep them close. Kio closed the door behind Joe. Then they faced each other. Just like before Joe went first. "Kip this place is beautiful, Your beautiful" Joe reached for his hand and took him closer to the window. "This is for you, when we were first becoming friends you gave me acorns as small signs of affection and I returned those affections with every gift. I collected all the acorns you gave me. I planted the first one. This is supposed to represent the growth of our relationship. I want to promise you all my years. May we grow together like this tree will grow." Kip took the sapling from Joe and put it on the window sill. "Jiro, you are my choice. I made this place for us. Will you accept this place and me?" Joe looked him straight into his eyes. "Kip you are my choice". Joe reached for him. They kissed slowly and sweetly. The kiss deepened and they were lapping at each other's lips. "Is this okay?" Kip asked. "Yes." They began their life together as bondmates. 

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