Part 9 Furry Friends

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The next day the pair was bushy and tender with each other. Sweet good mornings before they fell into their usual weekend routine. Kip stuck around for most of the day but disappeared for two hours to move his stuff into Tami's old room. Joe had offered to help but Kip said he was stronger than he looks and went on a trip with Coach to go gather his things. When Kip returned he remarked that it would probably take another trim to get the rest of his stuff. But for the rest of their weekend it was only the start of the next week when anything really changed.

The morning was the same and even though Kip could've used the door he instead on tumbling out the window. 'What a show off' Joe remarked while also offering praise to Kip. Then Joe continued his usual routine getting dressed and beginning his morning rounds. He was often accompanied by kith in his morning rounds because they often liked to run through the orchard before the rest of the world woke up. Today he was greeted by a familiar wolf kith. "Hello there." The kith approached. Joe had met this one before it had followed him in the mornings sometimes. "Good morning. I still don't know your name unfortunately but I will find out one of these days." The wolf came closer, almost touching Joe. Joe put out a hand for the wolf. This was the first time it had come so close. It put its muzzles to his hand and rubbed against it. Taking it as a sign of permission Joe pet the kith. It snuffled Joe like it was looking for something. "Do you mind if I call you Night-Spangle for now" The kith looked straight through his eyes like staring at his soul. Then nodded. This kith had a strong personality. But then Night-Spangle trotted off. "That was odd" but Joe continued his walk. Looking at several colors of flutter nuggets on his way. But not even five minutes later Night-Spangle was back and not alone.

A squirrel was on the kith's back. It had to also be a kith because it was too large to be a regular red squirrel. "Hello again, and you brought a friend." Joe stopped and held out his hands to the small squirrel. "Nice to meet you. My name is Joe and you must be a Woodacre." The squirrel placed his paws on Joe's hand then climbed up his arm. "I guess you are joining us today" There was a small squeak that Joe could only interprate as a yes. So Joe continued on his way. There were too many companions for a quiet walk so Joe opted to start the chores early. The squirrel squeaked something at the wolf and then they left again. But just like before it wasn't for long but this time he brought three more squirrel kith. "I can't carry all of you. I'm not as strong as our wolf here and I need my hands so I can work." But the wolf walked up with all the squirrels on board. So Joe repeated his little introduction from earlier. "Hello to you all. My name is Joe Reaverson but you can call me Joe. I'm going to assume that you're all Woodacres." This was certainly weird. The squirrel on his shoulders went onto the wolf and a different squirrel then climbed his shoulders. "I'm eventually going to need to learn all your names. But unlike our wolf companion I'm friends with a Woodacre. Not that we were not friends Night-Spangle but I don't know anyone else from your clan." at this all the squirrels tiled their heads the same way at the same time. "Wow you guys really are family" Joe laughed. "I'll have to ask Kip for your names. At the mention of Kip they all started chattering and chittering. The squirrel on his shoulder jumped back onto the wolf. Joe took a moment to appreciate the wolf. "Are you okay carrying them all?" The wolf huffed. "Well you're very kind to do so, I hope that the noise isn't too much of a bother. I enjoy our quiet walks." at this Night-Spangle nosed his side. So Joe began to pet his head and scruff around his ears. For the rest of the morning the wolf followed, carrying the noisy squirrels. He had gotten more than a few odd glances from other ameranthine I mean it was a sight to behold.

By the time guests would have started arriving the squirrels had played some game of lots and chosen a winner. Then one squirrel stayed and then Night-Spangle left carrying the other three. Joe guessed that the squirrel had a way of hiding itself around other people like the way Kip could. The squirrel that stayed was one that Joe had not met before. But Joe just continued on, doing the work that needed to be done. And when he had to talk to other humans none of them even glanced at his furry companion for the day. Joe had been meaning the fruit stand watching the squirrel do stranger and stranger balancing acts when a thought occurred to him. "Did you come because of the new sigils?" The squirrel turned to look at him. "Kip added new sigils yesterday. He said that they claimed me." That last part gave him a slight blush. The look on the squirrel's face was all he needed to see. Bingo. "So Night-Spangle noticed then went to find a Woodacre?" Again he was right on the money. This whole day was starting to make sense. Kip's family was checking up on him making sure he was a worthy person for Kip. "Oh I hope I didn't make a bad impression" Thinking back he did say they were noisy to the wolf and he hadn't talked to them much besides the first introductions and now. "Umm.. sorry now I'm worried I probably should've talked to you guys more instead of just doing the chores like I should have been more of a host" The squirrel was still looking at him this time with confusion. "I guess I wanted to make a better impression when meeting Kip's family" Joe could've sworn that he saw the squirrel laughing. He came closer and touched Joe's hand. Joe moved his hand out to the open and then he saw the squirrel give a small thumbs up. Joe replicated the movement. "So it's okay," The squirrel nodded. "Good" then the squirrel went back to gymnastics and Joe went back to watching, giving a few complaints after every few tricks. "Gymnastics must run in the family. Kip insists on doing flips while leaving my room" after saying this the squirrel looked like it had gained a special treasure. It felt like Joe had just said a secret even though he hadn't. Looks like Kip's family was interested in details. But maybe it was a better idea to let Kip tell them and not him.

It was that time of day and Joe could feel Kip fast approaching. "Kip's coming better go great him" but instead of the squirrel following him he ran away. Joe watched him leave with slight confusion but went to his normal spot to wait for Kip. 

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