Part 12 Sweet Dreams

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Kip was dreading the conversation he was about to have. Entering his room he found a spot in the corner and to his surprise Argent didn't enter right away. He started to draw sigils. Lots of sigils just along the doorway. "You can come in you know" Argent gave him a skeptical look. "You seem scared of me and I'm just adding a bit of privacy" Kip had to admit that was a good idea and started to draw his own sigils. "Come in, let's just get this over with"

"Do you think I'm going to scold you?" Shying away, Kip reasoned. "Yes?.."

"Oh pish posh" with that Argent entered the room and sat right on the floor. "So You've found yourself in love and with a beacon no less" Kip sat across from him on the floor which was lined with blankets and furs. "Yes.."

"Now I don't know why you think I'm mad so get out with it"

"I've.. I. uh. sighs . I've been bond building with Jiro and I haven't explained anything to him or at least not what I mean by everything I do and He's going to leave one day for some nice lady and I know that this will all end up terrible in the end but I can't stop because Jiro is sweet, perfect and I love him!" Kip was breathless and his heart was beating fast like he just said the most terrible thing but his love is true but he's afraid of what comes after. "Quite the confession" Argent was closer than before. "Everything's fine, you've done nothing wrong. I for one can understand falling for someone and skirting around the truth" Kip looked at him strangely "Really you understand this" Kip gestured vaguely. "I was in love and bond building with my lady for a month before she found out anything" Argent was smiling. It was like permission to laugh. It started as a chuckle then turned into laughter. Looking around Argent said "You've made yourself quite a nice den here but it seems like you don't sleep here" He could tell just by the scent. "I spend my nights with Jiro. I like this room but it's not right yet. I want it to be perfect"

"Yet you haven't warded it?" Kip looked around that it would be an issue if he ever wanted Jiro to be brought in. A sad tone entered his expression. "What's that look for?"

"I.. this place should be warded but I want this place to be perfect for Jiro. I can't bring him here if he doesn't feel the same way" Argent was giving him a blank look. This was infuriating to Argent it was so obvious to him that Joe felt the same way the connection had been reciprocated. Time for some sage advice and some simple set up.

"You know If you need something to satisfy your urges to bond, you should brush his hair. It doesn't have any meaning for humans. I brushed my lady's hair for quite some time before she caught on." Kip's sulking face lifted a little then went back down "Is it okay for me to do that?"

"He's not going to brush you so it's not breaking any etiquette at all" Kip noticeably lightened. "So what now?" Argent stood up and Kip did. "First I'm going to expand your bracelet. Instead of one pin prick wide it will be three pin pricks wide. Then we're going to ward this room so it's just as perfect as Joe's and safe for tending if that time ever arises' ' Kip jaunted over to Argent handing the hand with the bracelet to him and drawing sigils with another. 'So simple' Argent thought to himself. And the stage was about to be set on the other side as well.

Joe walked around the familiar space. Finding the bench from before he took a seat. He began a count of different species of ephemera. There were so many that he hadn't seen before. His eyes were tracking a Pitterhind when Argent sat next to him. "Hello... Is Kip okay?"

"Is that your first concern I thought you'd be more shocked about where you are"

"Should I be? I've been here before, I'm not in a new place and I wanted to talk to you this gives me the opportunity"

"You should never trust a fox fully, especially while ensnared in a dream." Joe looked around "hmm. I guess I shouldn't." thoughtfully he continued "How's Kip?" Argent looked at him softly "He's fine, like I said he's embarrassed"

"That's not all though. He's sad and worried. Can you tell me what's wrong? I want to help" Argent grabbed his hands "He's in high spirits now things have been set right" Joe let out a small sigh. "You really really like Kip," Argent said in a leading tone. Joe had seen this look two other times and now knows its meaning. "You can keep a secret. I know you can but will you keep mine" Joe's openness to trust was confusing to Argent but he wasn't one to miss an opportunity. "I keep many secrets" That was the best confirmation Joe was going to get. "I know the question you are actually asking and the answer you're looking for. I do like Kip in that way. I've tried to reciprocate any advances because I want to be closer to him but he was hurt before and I never know if his actions are friendly or more. I don't think we're just friends, we're more than that but we're less than what I'm hoping."

"To be honest I wasn't expecting a straightforward answer"

"There's no point in beating around the bush. My family supports the idea and I don't think the Woodacres disapprove of me. But just because there's approval from others that doesn't dictate our relationship. I want us to decide what we do. I'm going to reciprocate every action Kip makes until I know for sure that he wants me in that way."

"How will you know if he does want you that way?"

"Honestly I have no idea. I've been claimed by him whatever that means. I like the Idea of that but I lack the cultural knowhow to interpret it fully. I'm important to him but to what end? I have a lot of questions that are difficult to broach without forcing my feelings on to him."

"Well I'm glad you thought it out and I will keep this a secret. And a piece of advice if you ever need help interpreting a gesture I would suggest going to Jiminy. He lives with wolves and can read ameranthine language like a pro."

"I'll keep that in mind" They spent the rest of the time looking at different ephemera comparing preverbal notes with each other. "We'll be done soon and Kip will probably take a long rest soon after"
"Can I ask what you guys we're doing?"

"Warding the room in preparation for you." Joe was confused "Warding for me?"

"Oh would you look at that, he's done, and looking for you." With a snap Joe was out of the fox dream laying on his bed. His door creaked open. Kip was trying to be quiet. Kip was immensely tired and all he wanted was Jiro. He wanted to do so much. "Hey" Joe said quietly "I hear you might fall asleep for a while. Do you know how long?"

"Probably two days. You're so sweet Jiro" Kip reached and cupped Joe's face. Leaning in he put most of his weight against Joe too. "Let's get you to the bed"

"You're so kind," Kip said drowsily. He turned his face to Jiro and in his sleepy state did what he's been wanting to do. He kissed Jiro.

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