Part 6 Admitting

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Everything was all normal til it came to lunch break. At the normal time they sat down and began eating their food. Kip at a rapid pace and ash at a normal one but Kip noticed something inside his lunch bad from Jiro. A simple small Acorn. He froze, Jiro gave him an acorn. What did it mean? He took it out of the bag and examined it. "What's that?" Ash asked.

"It's an acorn. He gave me an acorn"

"He did"

"What does it mean?"

"What did you tell him it means?"

"I didn't tell him, I told Tami it's a small gift of affection."

"Then it probably means that" This conversation was all too familiar to Ash. Then it hit him. It was so obvious in hindsight. "Kip, are you in love with Jiro?" Kip was about to protest but he couldn't find any reason to. "I think I am" They were both silent now neither one knowing what to say. "Umm congratulations?" Ash offered. Kip had admitted it. It was no longer a thought, it existed in the universe. What was he going to do? "What am I going to do? He's just perfect." Kip said distraughtly. "What a problem. How dare he" Ash teased. "I'm not joking. He doesn't like me like that. I don't know if I can stay like this."

"You don't know if he doesn't like you. I mean he seemed open to your advances so far."

"What advances?"

"I noticed multiple acorns of him that I assumed were from you and the way you were acting with him I thought you had put a claim on him."

"I have been giving him acorns but that doesn't mean he likes me back and what do you mean acting with him"

"Your tail. You've been brushing it on him. That's like a claim." Ash didn't even know the half of it. Kip also had Jiro warded as a part of his stash, another claim not that that one would be very visible. "I wasn't trying to claim him, I was just acting normal. I seriously Don't know what I'm going to do. There's so many things I want to do but won't be able to." Ash understood what Kip was going through and wanted to help but didn't know how. "What if you did small things. If he rejects your advances then stop. If he doesn't then let him know what they mean. And I'll be here to help if you need anything." Kip thought about it. He didn't want a change to the status quo but he knew he wouldn't be able to maintain it forever especially with his ever growing feelings towards Jiro. "I think I might have to do that" Kip was feeling out of place his world had shifted. He was in love with Jiro. Sweet Jiro. But he might be okay, Ash was still his friend and had offered to help. "Could you do me a favor?" Kip asked "of course"

"Could you find out Jiro's favorite color?"

Joe couldn't have been more happy with this little trip. It was refreshing to see Kip in his element and just to spend time with him. He returned home with a smile on his face. He went inside the house to find mom still in the kitchen. "How was Kip?" His mom asked. Tami and her were so similar sometimes. They always knew when something was up and they got the same look on their face when they knew something. "He was fine, happy to see me."

"That's to be expected of him. He's always happy to see you." She said nonchalantly. Oh she knew something. But he was going to use this citation to his advantage instead of hers. This was as good of a time as any to ask if Kip could move in. "Mom, what do you think about Kip?"

"I think he's a good person, and I'm glad you have a friend like him" Joe didn't like the word friend but this was still working in his favor. "I was thinking after Tami moved out we would have some space in the house. What do you think about Kip moving in?"

"Instead of him sleeping over in your room? I don't see why not."

"Wait, you knew?!"

"It was kind of obvious after a while" She walked up and grabbed a long red hair off his close. Oh right the red hair did get kind of everywhere, She must have noticed.

"I'm fine with him moving in and I bet everyone else is too. He's here so often it's like he's part of the family." Mom was getting that look again and Joe thought it was a good time to escape.

"Great then it's settled" Joe said as he made his way to the door.

"Hold it, where not done yet" And he was backtracking. There was no escape but he didn't actually know what he was escaping from it might be fine. "Yeah."

"I wanted to ask you here and not ambush you at a family meeting but are you and Kip together?" Oh this was worse than what he was expecting but he was glad that it wasn't in front of everybody. "No.. we're not together"

"But do you like him?"

"yes...." this was in the quietest voice he could make. He hadn't ever officially come out to his family, it just wasn't talked about. "Kip's a great person you couldn't have picked better" and then she hugged him. And he began crying. "There's no need to cry, we all love you, this wouldn't change anything."

"Thanks." There was soothing and cooing and calming. And then he was given a snack. "Oh this is so exciting both my kids are in love" Joe almost choked on his snack. "I don't know if Kip likes me back."

"With the way he acts around you I'd say he's smitten"

"Just because you say it doesn't mean it's true. Could you not bring this up at family meetings"

"I won't but can I share about the move? that only makes sense."

"Yes mom" With that conversation and snack over Joe only had one more question. "How did you know that I liked Kip?"

"I could sense love in the air. So it had to be you" that was an odd answer. Joe had to take her word for it. And with that Joe was ready to tackle the rest of the day. Everything was set and he could continue to try to figure out the best way to court Kip. 

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