Part 10 Families and Tails

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Joe waited in the usual spot when Kip came bounding down. Jumped right into open arms. "How was your day?" Kip asked as he put his feet on the ground. "Different," Joe said as Kip was looking him over. Kip was wrapping and unwrapping his tail finding the perfect position to be close yet still be able to move. "How so?" Kip asked. "I think I met your family." Kip froze with that then he began to sniff. Squirrel nose wasn't as strong as a wolf's nose but Kip could tell that Joe had been surrounded by squirrels this morning. "Umm, I think they were investigating me" Joe was flustered with all the sniffing. Kip's face was oh so very close to his, well everywhere. Kip took a step back observing. "I hope they didn't bother you too much I know they can be a handful"

"They were fine. Very talkative, I just hope they didn't bother the Night-Spangle wolf."

"What wolf"

"Oh. Well, there is a Night-Spangle wolf kith that walks with me sometimes. They brought the squirrels to me." Jiro had a busy day indeed and this investigation meant trouble for Kip because he hasn't told his mom about Jiro and once one squirrel knew something it was safe to assume the whole clan did. "Jiro I'm sorry I think your going to be the talk of the enclave for the next few days"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't, it's just that us Woodacres are nosy busy bodies!" Kip said that while looking at a nearby tree. But Joe couldn't see anything. "and you're now on their radar because of me. Sorry Jiro" Joe linked arms with Kip and started down their regular path. "It's fine, they were nice and they reminded me of you. All I can do is hope that I made a good impression." Kip Churred a little. "I'm sure you did, no one could dislike you."

"Oh I don't believe that, and you're going to have to properly introduce them to me."

"What do you mean?" Kip's tail formed the shape of a question mark. "Well they couldn't tell me their names, would you tell me for them? I tried to do an introduction still but I think it would have been better if I learned their names. Oh I'm probably going to have to learn all their names anyways. So I guess we could do that later." Jiro was being pretty chatty. It's a little unusual. Was he nervous? "I'll make sure you're properly introduced, I hope they didn't give you a bad impression of my family" Jiro laughed. "No bad impressions at all I could just tell that you guys are a family"

"That's worrying what did they do"

"Like I said nothing bad, just lots of chatting. And tell me does love of gymnastics run in the family?" Jiro was curious about his family and Kip was willing to talk about all the details. This was nice. Kip wondered if his family somehow did this on purpose or if they were just sticking their nose into his business. One thing was for sure though Kip would have to talk to his parents. Once mom hears the news. Oh kip didn't want to think about that. He decided to focus on the rest of the day. Keeping close to Jiro and talking about the day, family's and each other's histories.

For the next few days everything continued like normal except every day Joe was greeted by a handful of new Woodacers. It was interesting to meet Kip's family even in an unconventional way. But there was something that was bothering Joe. Kip was being strangely secretive about his room. For a few hours everyday Kip would go to his room to unpack, ward, decorate. But Kip was always very secretive about it. For one Joe wasn't allowed to look inside. Because it wasn't done yet. But Joe didn't know what the big deal was; it was still just a room. But these few hours gave Joe time to work on other projects. Like learning how to bake honey nut bars. Joe wanted to eventually give some of these to Kip but for now they turned out terrible. Ms.Reaverson was a good cook and good teacher but Joe felt helpless sometimes when it came to baking. They never turned out right. But it wasn't only secret rooms and baking that Joe was dealing with. Joe was also noticing something else and it was getting harder to ignore. Kip's tail. It was all over him. Whenever they were together the tail wrapped and tucked and brought him close. He didn't mind but he was always afraid that he might cross a line. Tail's were personal and he didn't want to offend Kip by crossing a boundary. But the tail was in his space. He would have to ask Kip tonight. It always seemed easier to talk about embarrassing stuff when it was just the two of them and there was no fear of eavesdropping. They found themselves in their daily position.



"I have an awkward question." Kip pulled him to his chest and a smoothed "Uh-oh my favorite kind" Joe was dallying with little wavers. "I'm just going to say it. Can I touch your tail?" Kips tail noticeably puffed and unwrapped some. Joe had done it now he crossed a lie he shouldn't have. "I mean your tail is always on me and I'm afraid I might touch it by accident and I would rather just have your permission." Joe said that all in one breath and was squinting his eyes while hiding in Kip's chest. Kip was stunned not only at Jiro's boldness but his own. Has his tail been all over Jiro. thinking back it had. And he didn't even notice. That was some serious courting behavior and he hadn't even noticed he was doing it. Oh that was bad. All the other ameranthine definitely noticed something like that and he hadn't even made any true declaration. A breach in etiquette. Jiro didn't mind it though to be fair he didn't know what it meant. Would Jiro shy away from his toughness if he knew what it meant? "Sorry if I crossed a line, I didn't mean to, I just didn't want to cross you later" Kip could feel Jiro's presence retreating like he wanted to hide. Hide from him. "Jiro." Kip wrapped his tail back to the way it was before. "Don't hide from me. Please" Joe's presence slowly filled the room again. "You can touch my tail... You won't cross me. I trust you."
"Do you really? I saw your shock when I asked and I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with" Kip really didn't mind Jiro touching his tail but it's difficult to explain the full meaning of it. "Jiro, you know how the sigils showed that I'm yours? This is kinda like that. By putting my tail on you like I have been I've been showing my affection towards you"

"Is there a problem with that?" Kip wasn't getting through "Tails are way more personal than any other touch"

"So I shouldn't, I'm sorry I won't ask again."

"No that's not it. Jiro, I trust you. I'm giving you permission. I'm also just letting you know what it means"
"Oh" they sat in silence 'he trusts me that much' Joe thought. 

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