Part 22 Meet the Family

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They made plans to meet Kip's family the day after tomorrow. According to Kip there would be a lot of Woodacres present. Even though Kip reassured him that it was casual Joe wondered if he should dress up for the event. But there was another thing on Joe's mind, would Kip like to have a wedding. While cuddling on the bed Joe spoke "Kip what do you think about having a wedding?" Joe kept talking "we don't have to of course but it might be nice to have something for our families. I was thinking it could be in the song circle. Of course it doesn't necessarily have to be a wedding if there's a different amaranthine custom that fits better." Tami and Ash had made plans to have a classic wedding in two months but had a private ceremony with just them before that. "I think.. I would like that. I might like that a lot." Kip was spooning Jiro and hid his face in his neck. "Jiro, I want you to know that we will have a day for this." They continued to cuddle in peaceful silence.

The day arrived for Joe to meet Kip's family. He couldn't help but want to dress up a little bit. He wore the clothes he got from Found Me. It was a dinner time gathering at the Bellwether enclave. Founders coffee was still open but only regular citizens were behind the counter. And Tough Nut bakery was closed for a family event. Kip and Joe walked through the front door of the baker and was greeted by a tall and well dressed man. Doon-wen was an imposing figure; he was also still in disguise because anyone could look through the window.. Kip worried for Jiro a little bit. But Jiro upon approaching Doon-when presented his hands. Of course Jiro knew. Kip smiled and helped with introductions. Doon-wen wanted to meet the one Star dubbed caring. Because of the Joe's pack name several wolves were in attendance but all of the main founders were there because they were all a little protective of Kip. So many introductions were typical but still there were a lot of people. Joe met hand with all the funds. When meeting Cyril Sunflecth he commented on his good choice in fashion. He also met Rook who was also protective of Kip but Joe was able to put to rest every concern just by being himself and steadfast in his feelings for Kip. With every introduction Kip was reassured with Joe's choice. He also was introduced to most of the Woodacre clan. After most of the introductions a tall red headed lady walked up to Kip and Joe. "Hello ma'am" Joe said while presenting his hands. She put her hand on his. Joe observed her. "You seem similar to Kip, are you his sister?" She laughed. "No I'm his mother but that was very sweet of you to say. You probably knew I was his mother seeing as all of his brothers and sisters are kith."

"Yeah," Joe admitted. "Now onto more important things. Are you going to treat my boy right? I won't let him go to just anyone." Kip was getting a little embarrassed. "Yes," Joe answered in his response. "Even when he eats all your food?"

"He can have it. I'll go pick more apples from the orchard to give as well."

"How about when we stoles up next to you without you noticing?"

"My day will be all the more better if he's by my side." She prodded him with a few more questions each one Joe answered with complete surety. Kips mom looked at both of them and then hugged them both. "Joe Take care of my son. And Alder take care of Joe, he's a good one. Don't let him go." Getting the mothers approval was a relief. Then another kith scampered up to them. And just like all the others Jo met their eyes and presented his palms for the kith. Little did Joe know that this was Kip's father. Joe made a good impression like usual because he understood that the kith were people in their own right.

After all the introductions the event really began. Songs where sign dances were danced. And based on the way kip blushed to a few of the songs Joe guessed they had other means besides just dancing. Joe and Kip danced together for the first time. They spent the night meeting the family and making marry.

They came back home late that night. Kip carried Joe inside to his room. Joe nearly passed out. Kip placed Joe on the bed and Joe grabbed him and pulled him down. "Kip" Joe muttered, barely awake. "I love you". Kip kissed him on the forehead and laid down. "I love you too".

Over the next few weeks they made their plans. They are going to have a ceremony in the song circle about a month after Tami's wedding. Tami's wedding is a June wedding so they are having their ceremony in July. Kip was Ash's best man. The ceremony for Tami and Ash was held in two parts, one part for the public, then an after party with the rest of the amaranthine. Tami was a pillar of the community and many people attended that part of the ceremony; it was also partly published for the tv show. The after party was just family and amaranthine. Argent was in attendance of course. At the after party Kip pulled Argent aside. "Hello"

"Hello Kip"

"Um so. Since the last time we spoke, me and Jiro have.." Argent looked at him critically. "You and Joe have bonded." Argent was probably just reading the sigils on Kip. "Not yet, We are courting now and I'm here to formally invite you to the ceremony."

"I'm honored you thought to include me in these proceedings."

"Well if it wasn't for your advice I bet I would have wasted so much more time not telling Joe my feelings."

"I'm glad you noticed. You two were both slightly love sick. I'm glad it didn't take too much intervention for you two to find each other.." Argent smiled to himself. "This reminds me that I should check your progress soon to adjust the beads."

"Soon maybe after the ceremony though. I don't want to miss the bouquet toss. I'm going to make sure I catch it."

"Well you might want to hurry off because they're gathering now."

Even though the bouquet toss is a very human tradition the amaranthine gathered their singles and the courting couples together for the toss. When Tami tossed the bouquet Kip practically pushed his way to get the bouquet. But after he was caught he ran over to Jiro and showed him. Kip talking fast and Joe smiling. They looked head over heels for each other.

The next day argent stopped by to deliver his rsvp to ki[. He would be in attendance along with opening the beads a little bit more. Kip's power had grown considerably, more than predicted. It wouldn't be too long before he could tend to Jiro and ensure their life together. Their day was quickly approaching. 

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