Part 4 Pledge

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They spent the rest of their day like normal, following the steps of routine. Finishing up the rest of the work for the day then wandering the acreage. They found solace in each other's company and with every moment spent together they could only become more sure of the happiness that the other provided for them but that happiness meant they had more reason to worry about rejection and abandonment from the other. 

After a day on the property and a delicious dinner provided by Mrs.Reverson Joe went to his room and Kip found his was there through an open window, alone they could talk about what they could not say earlier. In the safety of the warded room Kip goes to Joe and brings him into an embrace. "Can you tell me what had you worried earlier? Honestly, I've been thinking about that most of the day." Kip nestled in closer "Please Jiro"

"Yes.... I can tell you" Joe softly hugged Kip right back "It's a little bit of a story and nothing bad happened to me. So you don't have to worry. I was umm.. Worried about how you'd react.." Now that sentence grabbed Kip's attention. Jiro was worried about how he'd react. This was still making him nervous but he'd hear Jiro out before panicking... too much. "Tell me what you need to say." Kip stepped back just so he could see Jiro's face as he spoke. "Well..." Joe paused trying to make this one cohesive sentence. "Will you move in?" Joe paused again looking at Kip's face and all he was reading was confusion. "I.. well.. You know Tami is moving out to be with Bity and I know you've been lonely.. And I know I like having you around and I was wondering if after Tami moved out you would like to move in?" Joe was stammering. "I thought it would be nice... If you would be around everyday.." Kip was starting to get a picture of what was happening and the answer was simple. "Yes," Kip said aloud. "Yes, yes Yes!" Kip's face lit up and he grabbed Joe in a happy way spinning Jiro around while wrapping his tail around him. "Really ?" Joe asked. "Of course. Why would I say no? I would love to move in" It helped with a lot of his problems he would be with a community of people and amernathine this was a part of the enclave and.. He would be near Jiro even more. "Yes" Kip said again, spinning Joe til they landed on the bed. He brought Jiro close to his heart hoping that Jiro could find the happiness that spoke with every beat. Joe was also happy. This was a way better reaction than what he was gearing up for. He was expecting such an ecstatic response. "But wait. Why were you worried?" Kip frowned.

"I was worried that you wouldn't like the idea. That it was weird" Joe admitted. Kip could never imagine a situation where he would reject the idea or think less of Joe for offering. "I would never think that. This is one of the best offers I've heard. I would love to move in."

"It seems kinda silly of me to have worried in the first place. I still need to work a few things out and Tami will be moving out in a few weeks so It will be a little while. I hope you're okay with that." The wait was both nothing and everything too Kip. It was actually not that long of a time but he also couldn't wait to move in. To be able to be here every night. Shifting around he wrapped his tail around them both providing warmth and a sense of security he spoke. "Thank Jiro, you're incredibly kind of thinking of me."

"I would have anyway. I mean this benefits me too. I get to keep you around more."

"Do you like my company that much?" said kip in a teasing tone

"Maybe" Joe said but with a straight face. All Kip could do to hide his own blush was to hide his face in Jiro's hair. Simple words made Kip's day maybe even his week.

"Why were you nervous?" Joe asked. The tension that had resided in him subsided and was now a loose embrace around Kip. "I was worried that you'd leave."

"I wouldn't!"

"You never know. One day you might find some other charming person to keep company with. You wouldn't need me anymore" Kip was skirting the truth he was worried about Jiro falling in love and having no need for their manly friendship. "I could never stop needing you. I know ash is your best friend but you have become mine. And maybe more than that..." Joe trailed off "Don't ever think that I would be tired of you because if I spent the rest of my days with you I still would never grow tired of you" It was a strong declaration. But Kip believed him. There was no sense of a lie and Jiro was steadfast in his speech and conviction when he said it. It was almost a confession, a promise, a pact. A stronger deeper bond was being forged and it made Kip glad that Jiro was a part of it. He'll have to show his gratitude to Jiro somehow. "I believe you Jiro."

"Even if you didn't I'll keep on reminding you" Jiro was starting to head towards sleep and Kip could sense the small wafting of Jiro's soul traveling towards his Jiro's sweet soul, his Jio's sweet soul. Soon Jiro's soft snores was all Kip could hear in the room. Kip didn't often actually fall asleep during this time, usually he just basked in Jiro's presence enjoying connections found and foraged. But He had to somehow show Jiro his appreciation for the invitation to move and the pledge to stay. Kip had been hiding acorns every once in a while for Jiro but what if he hid more. He thought of a fun idea: what if only Jiro could find the acorns that way he could hide them everywhere without others moving them around. While holding Jiro close to his side with one arm and his tail making sure Jiro was snug in his space. He created a variety of different sigils, tuning them to Jiro. The one that worked the best was a play on a hiding sigil. One meant to hide one's stash from outsiders. Jiro was technically part of his stash and if he stashed acorns only he and Jiro would be able to see them.

The next day Jiro awoke cradled in Kip's arms and surrounded by a red fuzz tail. Soft as always he was careful not to touch with his hands and pass into personal territory. They both slowly woke up and followed their morning routine. All the way to the goodbye but they knew soon their wait would be shorter than ever. 

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