Part 15 It's the Hope That

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Joe got home and went up stairs. He felt guilty for leaving Kip alone for so long when he was asleep. He put the clothes away then turned his attention to Kip. He cupped Kip's Face and whispered. "Is it okay for me to hope that you love me back?" With wishful wanting Joe stayed there rubbing small circles on Kip's cheek. With a sight Joe got up to leave he had more work to do around the farm. "I'll be back after dinner" and Joe left the room. Walking downstairs Joe realized he'd need to prepare for when Kip woke up. Kip was always hungry but especially after a long rest. Joe started for the pantry when his mom stopped him. "Honey, is that a new shirt?" Joe looked down then he remembered. "Yes I got it today." Joe continued to walk "Was the shop good?" Joe freezed again. "Yes. actually you might like it. It's called Find Me it's by Bellwether college."

"Any reason you're out getting new clothes" Joe just decided to walk and talk. "I just happened to be there and they kinda trapped me."

"Trapped you? should I be concerned?"

"No they were all very nice" Joe grabbed a few boxes of crackers

"And why is my son gathering so much food when he hardly eats enough" Joe thought he ate fine. "Kips asleep, he'll probably wake up tomorrow and he'll be hungry."

"So you're stockpiling?"


"Why doesn't Kip just come to the kitchen when he wakes up and I'll make him something instead of storing food in his room."

"Oh" Joe realized that it was kinda silly to bring food when Kip could get the food himself but Joe was already committed. "Maybe he'll do both." Joe's mom gave him a smile and a nod to let him go.

After dinner Joe returned to his room after dinner like he promised. He got changed then went to Kip's side. It always seemed that even when Kip was asleep he could tell when he was around. After a few minutes Kip's hand reached out and found Jiro's shirt and pulled him in. Joe laughed and snuggled in with the red head. They were so close and it felt like happiness itself.

The next morning Joe didn't want to get up. Kip would probably wake up today which means he'll find out if the kiss was something special, a beginning or a continuation. Continuing things as they are isn't bad but Joe hoped for more.

His morning walk was met by Spangle. "Hello, I learned your name yesterday. Your name is Star right?" Star did a nod then pushed the did a shake. "I'll keep calling you Spangle if you want" At that the wolf walked up and nudged him. Joe gave head scritches. "Thank you Spangle. I'm glad to have made you as a friend. I've always had a hard time making friends, so Thank you. And Thank you for calling me Caring" They walked in peaceful quiet for a while until it was time to begin chores then Spangle wandered off and came back with some noisy squirrels. Joe greeted them all and went through the day with high spirits. On his rounds he saw a beautiful acorn. Picking it up he smiled and pocketed it. Witch didn't go unnoticed by the squirrel who stuck around today. He pointed at his pocket. "It's a gift for Kip. I'm thinking I'll put it under his pillow for when he wakes up" The squirrel looked up at him with astonishment, speechless. Then started to circle him, chittering like crazy. He scampered around Joe's feet so much that he stopped. "Excuse me but I can't walk if you keep doing that I might step on you." The squirrel climbs up Joe till he reaches his shoulders non stop chatting. Joe continued walking wondering if maybe he shouldn't have said anything.

Surrounded again. There were tons of squirrel kith now they were all cramped into a few trees up ahead. How they all coordinated this Joe had no Idea. Walking up to the trees he said "Hello everyone is something wrong?" They were chittering then talking to each other. The squirrel on his shoulder pointed to his pocket. Joe pulled out the acorn and the Squirrels quieted down significantly. "You guys were curious about this?" Nods all around. He gave the same explanation as before. "It's a gift for Kip. I was planning on putting it under his pillow for when Kip wakes up. So if he wakes without me there he knows I'm thinking of him." At this the one on his shoulders jumped onto his head at this point looking up it looked like he was being scolded by the squirrel kith. All the others were again chittering like crazy. Had he done something wrong. "Is it wrong?" Joe asked solemnly. The Squirrel hopped down and gave him a kiss on the nose. "So this is fine?" nods all around. Joe continued to walk and most of the squirrels scattered but even with most of them gone Joe still had a small Squirrel horde following him. He must have been quite the sight. But he trusted the Kith to hide themselves for people who weren't supposed to see. Many amaranthine saw though. A few came up to him and asked if he needed help. He said all was good as long as they didn't run in front of him and trip him up. He'd feel very bad if he stepped on Kip's family by accident.

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