Part 8 New Home

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Ash made his not-so-great escape. And beat his wings once to grab hold of a branch. Pulling himself up he found Kip playing patty cake with Bity. "How'd the investigation go?" Kip asked, smirking. "I found out his favorite color"

"I bet you did. But I think Jiro knows why you asked"

"Why do you think that?"

"Bity told us why I was being taken away." Ash internally faced palmed bity plus his not slick asking of questions Joe totally knew what was going on. But he played along with them. "Yeah I think he knows too" all they could do was laugh, maybe the elementary school kids' antics were rubbing off on them. This entire thing has been incredibly silly but the Reverson twins went along with their games anyways. It was nice. "So what's the verdict, what's his favorite color"

"Before I tell you why did you want to know?"

"I wanted to get him a gift and I was looking for the appropriate color. Now don't leave me in suspense"

"Red auburn red" Kip's face immediately blushed. "Was that really his favorite color or are you just teasing"

"I'm not teasing you that's what he said" Kip blushed some more and was internally screaming. "Maybe Jiro's messing with me."
"I don't think he would. I also found out his favorite food"

"Oh I didn't even ask for that one, what is it?"

"Apple Pie" Kip knew he could make that and he has access to the best recipe from the Woodacre bakery. He wanted to feed Jiro and court his favor with red gifts. Oh, this was starting to be all too much. His emotions were running hot. He needed some air. Kip entered truest form the scampered but Bity's tree. Right to the top. He was becoming too close to Jiro to not have some sort of claim on him. There were all the things he wanted to do but first he needed Jiro to be his. It wouldn't be proper for him to do any of this without claim. What if another ameranthine made a claim first. All the wards on Jiro were of the quiet sort. So Jiro wouldn't attract attention. Would Jiro be fine with drawing attention? Maybe not. Kip felt the air against his fur. It was fine he would talk to Jiro tonight and if he rejected this advance he would stop and if he didn't mind... Kip felt that warm feeling again.

From an outsiders view a squirrel was standing on a tree gesturing broadly and looking distressed. That's what Joe saw. He was looking for Kip when he saw him at the top of the tree. "Kip?" The tree squirrel looked at him then disappeared into the leaves. Then it was scurrying down the trunk and running towards him. Joe caught Kip while in truest form. "Hey, there you are." Kip snuggled into Joe's arms and chirred slightly. "Having fun with Bity I assume." Joe felt a fuzzy nod against him. "We're all done for today. You're Invited for dinner. I mean you'll be joining us everyday after today. I'll just carry you there." Kip found his way to Jo's shoulders and looked ahead. He had forgotten that now that Tami's moved out he can move in. That's fantastic he was super excited. He jumped off of Jiro and started running through the trees. Joe watched as he started to walk towards the house. Soon Kip was back sitting on his shoulders in squirrel form. Joe grabbed his feet and started running. Chittering laughter soon filled the quiet path home.

Tonight's dinner was set up like normal. Grandpa Sitting by the TV. Mom and dad on one side Kip and Joe sitting together with Tami beside them and Bity on her lap. And Ash was sitting on the edge so there was the most space for his wings. Sometimes Grandpa would sit at the table when that happened he sat on the same side as his parents. It always split into three different conversations. Malissa and Jiminy were over sometimes but Malissa spent most of her time with the Night Spangle Pack. Mom and Dad talked about their days and the farm. Kip and Joe split off into their own bubble of jokes, tricks and laughter. And Tami, Ash, and Bity formed their own sweet talking trio. This setup happened every time Kip and Ash were over but Ash was here every night already. Now Kip would be here, and Joe couldn't be happier about it.

When mom called a family dinner no one was surprised. A lot was going on. Summer was fast approaching. Grandad started us off with facts from the rivin report. Tami had a lot to share. School was going good, they would end the year on a happy note. She was happy with the new cottage. Ash said filming for the show would start next weekend. Which was important somehow but Joe got distracted when his mom went next. She was the one who announced Kip's moving in. Everyone already knew but this was the first time it was announced. Dad looked happy and everyone was welcome with the idea of Kip joining the Reverson family this way. Kip shared his gratitude about moving in. Joe shared some facts about the farm and said he might want to take up baking. This was a good way to let his mom know that he'll need her tutelage. After dinner everyone found their way to the family way to the living room. Joe used to sit by Tami but now she was sounded by Ash and by Bity. So Kip and Joe found their own chair. And shared the space together.

When everyone was going there separate ways Ash, Tam and Bity were going out the door to a new place. Seeing his sister go instead of coming up stairs was sad but he knew he'd be fine. Kip was here. But Kip wasn't here, actually he was doing something silly. Kip was gathering up his stuff. "Where are you going?" Joe asked "The normal? I'll see you outside the window." Kip whispered. Joe laughed a little. "Did you forget already? You don't have to do that anymore." Kip did forget. "Oops" he dropped his stuff. With a wave to the others, they went up stairs. With doors closed they reached for each other. Bringing each other into an embrace.

"Is your favorite color really auburn red?"

"Is your favorite food really honey nut bars with candied walnuts?"

"Yes, there are delicious"

"Then, yes red is my favorite color." Kip squeezed him hard red fur surrounding him. "I like your tail. It's pretty and soft" Kip was so glad Jiro couldn't see his face it would completely give him away. Jiro had such power over his heart and everything he said was making his heart beat faster. "Jiro, would you mind if I warded you some more?" Joe thought this was an odd time to ask. "I don't mind but what for are the ones I have not working?"

"They're working fine. These would be different. The ones you have now hide you and if any ameranthine got close they'd see that I have a prior claim and back off. I want to add wards that others would see."

"What does that mean?"

"It would mean if any amernathine saw you they'd know you are mine in a way."

"In what way?" Jiro asked quietly, his own heart starting to race. "I want them to know that they can't claim you. That you have already been claimed."

"Okay" Joe said. He slowly backed out of Kip's arms and took off his shirt, Then he took a seat on the bed. This situation; tracing sigils against Jiro's bare skin was harder than before. He kept getting distracted by Jiro but he was also excited to be doing this making him work faster. Jiro would be his. It's not a bond mates sigils but it claimed Jiro as his. The fine sensation of a claw drawing intricate patterns against his skin was all Joe could focus on. He had felt this before but the circumstance was new. Kip wanted to claim him. He had wanted to ask more questions but he also didn't want to push too far. Kip would tell him the full meaning when he was ready. And he was open to any claim Kip wanted to make.


"That was fast"

"Well it's a different type of sigil craft. There's not as many steps..." Joe was looking straight into his eyes. Kip knew that every moment it was getting harder to resist. He wanted to kiss him. Badly. Kip pulled his tail in front of him as a barrier between him and Jiro. "You should go to sleep it's late" that was a lame excuse but it was the only thing he could think of. Joe laid down on the bed. "Aren't you joining? Or are you going to go to your room?" Right, Kip had his own room if he wanted it. But this space had been his room because Jiro was here. "No, I'll stay here where you are." Kip joined him, finding their usual positions. "I'm staying cause you're here. And I'll always be where you are."

"Because I'm yours?" Joe asked

"Because I'm yours." Kip answered his sigils where a pledge for Jiro. He was Jiro's and Jiro was his. They didn't say any more then or anything less than that. 

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