Part 2 Meaning of Acorns

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"Tami !'' Joe yelled when he saw her pull up in the truck. "Yes?" Tami replied she had rarely heard Joe be loud. He could be talkative when he wanted too but almost never loud. Suddenly dropping the volume of his voice "Umm, I have a question for you", Tami looked at him with a slightly confused look on her face "yes?" she posed. "Would it be okay if Kip moved into your room after you moved into the Bity house?" Well that was straightforward thought Tami. But she had a few questions of her own before she could answer her brother. "It seems fine to me but what do our parents think and granddad? Also I'm a little curious about the sudden request, I know you and kip are close but it seems a little sudden. Also could we move this inside" Joe realized that he did ask her as soon as she arrived still with her keys in hand. "Yeah let's move this inside" after setting down her stuff they relocated to the room in question.

"So you want Kip to move in, why? Not that I mind of course again it just seems sudden". Pausing to collect his thoughts ''Well with you moving out I thought the house would feel empty and Kip was telling me how his place felt empty too with ash hanging around here all the time, and Kip and I get along great and thought it would be good if he was here all the time too." Joe was rambling and Tami gained a look of knowing on her face. She responded "How do you know you'll be okay with him here all the time friends can get tired of each other too you know" Joe didn't like the word friends for some reason and Tami had that look like she knew something he didn't. "Well Kip spends the night regularly anyways so I know we get along and you wouldn't worry about being tired of ash would you?" That's when Tami smiled. She had got confirmation of the thing she was looking for.

"You spent the night with Kip. I didn't know you two were so serious" she said in a teasing tone. Confused, Joe said "I don't know what you mean? He's my friend and we have sleepovers that's allowed"

"I mean that you like kip"

"Of course I like Kip, who doesn't?"

"You like Kip romantically, not just a friend," Tami finally stated. Joe froze a little bit. He knew he liked Kip more than a friend, maybe a best friend. Joe didn't have many friends so He didn't know if what he felt would be considered romantic. He had also never been in love so how was he supposed to know. I mean what does being in love even mean? "Maybe.. I didn't really think about it like that.. I don't know what it means to be in love." He was admitted to Tami. The pause was long after. Tami spoke up. "How about you describe what you think about Kip?"

"Sure" Joe was a little embarrassed to have to explain what he felt but he knew Tami wouldn't judge him. "It's like.... Hmmm.. feeling safe?" He pushed again; this really was hard to put into words. "When he's with me I feel safe like this is where I'm meant to be. Whenever I'm with him I wish time would slow so we could hang out more. If I could, I want to be near him all the time. Like I said before I feel like if we were with each other I would never be bored and I'd always be happy." He stopped again this time rummaging through his pockets. "He has this game that we play. He hides acorns and I find them. I like the little games we play. I also like his laugh, his umm.. chittering laugh it's different from his regular laugh" A stunned Tami sat with him then. "What's that look about? You're worrying me"

"You definitely like Kip, and I think he might like you too" There was no way that Kip was like Joe romantically. He was still getting over ash or at least he thought actually he hadn't really mentioned ash for some time now Joe thought. But either way Kip didn't like him like that. But did Joe like Kip. After speaking allowed what he thought it did sound vaguely romantic.

"I don't know if I like Kip But Kip doesn't like me that way."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. '' Tami knew her brother and knew that he really liked Kip and currently she was the reaverson with the most experience with courtship even though she only knew avein customs. But through talking to Kip at work she was able to learn a few things about squirrels and Kip's family. "You know Kip told me something about his family once. He said that his dad would hide acorns in his moms pockets as a little game and showing affection." Joe froze again taking this information in. But again he pushed it aside and Kip didn't like him like that. "It could just be a friendly gesture. Also This entire conversation happened because I was wondering if Kip could move in which you haven answered '' Tami sat there interested "I see him moving in is still at the forefront of your mind and yes he can move in, It's fine with me. I'll be moving out officially in a week. I had already started moving stuff last week so now it's just final stuff." Joe lit up "that's great now I just have to ask everyone else" like that was so simple. "Can't wait to get rid of me"

"No no no definitely not" Joe grabbed one to her like that would prove the worth of his words more. "I know just teasing, I just don't know what I'll do when your so busy with kip"

"Isn't that my line but when you're so busy with Ash?" They both knew that they might see less of each other but they also had the reassurance that they would still have each other at times like this.  

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