Part 19 Won't Let Go

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After Kip and Joe went their separate ways for the evening Kip went to look for his family. He thought he owed them in a way he also needed to confront them in a way for being such snoops he didn't know who knew what and if anyone had told his mother. A freighting thought after she spent so much time dragging him to meetings just to find someone and keep her out of the loop would be furious. There was no doubt in Kip's mind that his mom would love Jiro but when she meets him she'll be all the more upset that Kip kept him from her.

Kip made his way towards the back of the property regular citizens never ventured this far onto the property so most of the kith and amaranthine that moved to redgate farm lived in this area. There were still barriers to keep some of the noise down and deflect notice. Kip entered true form easier to climb trees with. It didn't take long to find his family. He found a cousin first, a daughter of his fathers sister. "Hello." she looked over "Hello Kip, you made up with Joe. He was very happy this morning. You know you gave us a scare, we were afraid that he would be heartbroken."

"Yes we made up, thank you for calling me out the other day but Jiro wouldn't have been heartbroken."

"He sure seemed like it, you know we were all worried for him. He's one of the few humans who talks to us and enjoys our antics. We all visit him during the day." Kip wondered when Jiro had time to meet them all but also he was feeling a bit jealous that maybe Jiro was hanging out with another squirrel. "Is that so when did you all become so close?" She stared at him then gave him a flick with a claw. "Your his favorite you know, no need to get jealous" Kip didn't know it was so obvious. "He noticed us in the trees and said hi which was strange as we were hiding from the humans but he saw us anyway."

"That sounds like him. He knew I was ameranthine even with all my wards in place"

"As I was saying he said hi but we were also wondering about him since he's covered in your wards and scent."

"Well" Kip didn't really know what to say. He stumbled through his thoughts but an important question had to be asked. "How much does my mom know?"

"Just that you have a close relationship with Joe Reaverson and that wards a speaking of claim. And of course the shared hope that too choose each other '' Kip's face palmed up his mom was going to be upset that he hid Jiro for this long. "I.. Um. okay then. How many people know about this?"

"Most of us woodacres and probably some of the wolves if Star thought the same way we did." Kip thought this was it he was going to have to go to his mom himself. Before she could start again Kip ran off towards the exit of the farm he needed to get some semblance ahead of this.

Kip made his way to bellwether college and to his family's bakery. His mom wasn't working in the store right now so he went looking for her deeper in the enclave. It didn't take long to find her because she found him first. She gave him a hug from behind. "There's my Alder. You've got a lot of explaining to do." Kip was barely able to breath, his mom was scary strong. "Hey mom and yes I'll explain but can we go somewhere more private."

"Yes yes but then you're telling me about this Reaverson boy." She grabbed his hand and dragged him along the way she spun out sigils to secure privacy. Taking him to an empty interior room that was a part of his parents' drey , she used sigils to hide the room. He added his own sigils too. His mother was excellent at sigil craft but hasn't needed to use sigil craft as much as Kip. When the way to the room was sufficiently hidden they bedded down in soft furs before Kip began to speak. "So I don't really know where to start.. I didn't mean to hide him from you, not really we just.. I.. He means a lot to me and... I just wanted for myself and when I started to feel this way I forgot to tell you... I'm.. He's.."

"He means alot to you, doesn't he? Why don't you start by telling me about him." Kip nodded silently he needed to admit his feelings but it was hard to admit you didn't fit the normal way of things, and to his mother who had introduced him to so many female squirrels before this. "Jiro" he said softly. "I call him Jiro but most people know him as Joe. He's the best person I know. He was shy at first but he opened his heart to me. He cares for everyone around him. Did you know he got a pack name? 'Caring' fits him perfectly. He has a strong and steady soul. And he's a total farmer always talking about the farm. And he listens to me chatter on and on but sometimes when I'm with him I don't have to fill the silence because he understands." Kip lit up and chuckled while talking about Jiro. His mother didn't interrupt as Kip chatted on and on about Joe and all the ways he cared for Kip and the way Kip cared for him. Their acorns, time spent together, getting past barriers. Once Kip stopped he had this joyful presence about him like he was content. "Alder I think Jiro will treat you right and you should know I'll always support your choices. You've never been normal ever since you popped into speaking form. I knew you would make your own path." Kip noticed the use of choice: this was the crust of the matter. "He is my choice." Kip was shaking a little bit. "I support your choice" She pushed "Do you want a go between i know Linden would happily volunteer." Kip laughed and began to cry. "He is my choice" He reaffirmed. "But I won't make him make a choice just for my selfish desires. I can't lose him if he.... If he.. If he doesn't feel that way. I will always protect him and care for him. Can't force a choice on my choice." He admitted. His mom, exasperated , grabbed him and pulled him close. "I don't know why you always doubt yourself. You're amazing and they would be lucky to have you. You are a gift."

"Jiro is better, so much better. He could do better."

"Don't sell yourself short. You were the one who was there for him. You were the one giving affection. You were the one he made a bond with. He's been choosing you at every turn. Don't let him go, Alder. You love him so don't let him go." she held onto Kip. giving him reassurance til he found his resolve. He wouldn't let Jiro go. No matter what. 

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