Chapter Forty

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I stood awkwardly in the corner of the bathroom as Alessio reached his hand into the shower to feel the temperature of the running water. The walls were sweating and the room was filled with steam so I wasn't surprised when he muttered an Italian curse and pulled his hand away from the water. "It's a bit hot." He informed me.

I nodded having already have assumed this much.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied and walked further into the room to seem less like a spaz. This wasn't that big of a deal. It was just sex, or maybe it wasn't even that. This was just a shower, I got showers all the time!

How long had it been since I was with someone? Is it a bad sign if you can't remember? I wiped my hand across the clouded mirror. I could see him watching me in the reflection and our eyes locked through the mirror.

I was being crazy. He'd seen me in lingerie. I'd been almost completely naked for him last night. He'd never minded. Mia had said he didn't sleep with anyone down there. Maybe he was gay.

I whirled around to face him. Was he gay?


"Nothing." I said quickly and looked over his body. I don't know what I was looking for. A big tattoo that read "I'm gay!" maybe a picture of a penis across his chest. An arrow on his back pointing downward? Even a little rainbow somewhere would have been a nice clue. But of course, there were none. Not even a small indication of his sexual preference.


"Nothing!" I said again and turned back around to face the mirror. Condensation had already caused it to fog up again but I didn't wipe it off this time. I didn't want to see him watching me. It was bad enough I could feel his stare, I didn't need to see it too. Fully dressed with Alessio standing behind me watching me I felt beyond exposed.

Even with my back turned to him I could feel him walking across the bathroom. I turned around and he was right in front of me. He put his hands under my tank top the same way he had the night before. Unfortunately, it was the same tank top as the night before. Anytime I knew I was going to stay I brought clothes with me, I had no idea Alessio was going to show up at work, threaten to burn the place down, and drag me home from work with the added bonus that he might decide to blow my brains out yesterday so had neglected to bring anything with me. I chose to ignore this fact as I lifted my arms to allow him to pull the shirt over my head.

I bit my lip as his eyes scanned me over. Maybe he wasn't gay? He wasn't looking at me like a gay person would now. Or maybe he was, I don't know, don't gay guys love boobs too?

"Why do you look like that?" He asked in a low voice.

I blinked twice. "That's, uh, well that's not really a question I was expecting someone to ask after taking my shirt off." I admitted feeling a bit slighted.

He chuckled lightly. "No, not that." He put his hands on my waist suddenly and I sucked in a surprised breath. "I meant your face."

"What's wrong with my face?" I said in a shaking voice as I tried to ignore his hands as they traveled slowly down to my hips.

"Nothing, it's quite lovely, it's just the look you're giving me." He said and I heard the zipper of my skirt come open. "Why were you looking at me like that? Like I've two heads or something."

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