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Project 937 blinked at her after her confession, speechless.

"Surprise." Aurora mumbled, not quite sure where this new sense of energy was coming from.

"You're an absolute fucking moron." Project 937 insulted angrily, sitting up in the bed with a grunt.

Aurora didn't protest, but looked confused.

"You were trained this whole time? And you let me beat you into a pile of blood and walk you through exercises you can probably do in your fucking sleep?!" The woman ranted.

Aurora didn't reply because the questions seemed rhetorical.

"And then after beating the shit out of me, you carry me to get medical attention?! Do you know how absolutely fucking stupid that is? You could've tried to made a run for it while I was out! You could've just left me there shoved in a closet or something! Do you genuinely have zero brain cells?!" Project 937 ranted.

"I've killed three people in the past three days. I'd rather not add to my body count if I can help it." Aurora said monotonously, the emotion draining out of her again.

Project 937 just looked even more infuriated and began cursing and trying to climb out of the bed.

"Should I, like call the doctors, or...?" Aurora asked.

"Seriously?! I am obviously not headed toward you to give you a bear hug!" Project 937 yelled.

"Okay." She shrugged, deciding not to call for a doctor.

Project 937 paused at the end of her bed to manage her pain. She looked at Aurora angrily and glared.

"Don't you dare fucking do that." Project 937 seethed.

"Call for the doctors? I already told you I would." Aurora said.

"No! Don't you fucking dare go back to being that emotionless zombie! Do you know how hard I tried to get you to try to fight back even just a little bit?! Do you know how infuriating it is to be given an asset to train that would rather be a human punching bag than defend herself?! It took me weeks to find something that would finally get you angry enough to snap for God's sake!"

"You... wanted me to beat you up?" Aurora asked confused.

"No! I wanted you to try fighting back! I didn't know you were a fucking Avenger in training! I just wanted you to stop being so goddamn submissive! You act like you're weak, but the only thing holding you back is yourself!" Project 937 ranted, but she didn't move any closer.

"Why do you care? You don't get paid more if I end up being a killing machine or something, do you?"

"Paid-?! I don't get paid for this Aurora, this is my life!" Project 937 yelled.

"Then why do you care what I chose to do with mine?!" Aurora yelled back.

"Because apparently I'm a fucking moron too!"

Aurora hadn't been expecting that response. Project 937 seemed like she hadn't meant for that to slip out either. She looked to be having an internal conflict before groaning and glaring at Aurora.

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