battle in the forest of death, who's the best

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( I kinda changed Shisui's photo again to make him look younger so don't be offended if you like that mature looking one )

The genins were still waiting for Anko's permission, Anko on the other hand was waiting for the ticking time to hit.

"I wonder what will happen to me once we enter into this forest of death and... I might wound myself so badly or even get eating by some wild beast ", Omoi was talking with his lollipop hanging out of his mouth, Karui was shaking angrily from what her team mate was talking about, "and then, I will seize to exist... and every ladies will be crying on my funeral... Omoi... our dare Omoi... why leave without us ", the white haired shinobi was being dramatic.

"shut it at once ", Karui punch him, "stop imagining things like an infant... I don't know why you even became a shinobi when all you can do is imagine unrealistic things ".

"but it is the truth... we are in the world of ninja and stuff like that happens every dying seconds ", Omoi said to his female team mate.

"( those two are a waste of time... I can't wait for the real mission to begin... I have an unfinished rap song to write )", Bee was staring down, you won't be able to see his eyes due to the dark glasses he wore.


Squad eleven was also at the twenty lock entrance with the sentinel standing in front of them.

"( I can't wait to show freak face over here how good of a fighter I am... once he sees this he will respect me as a great shinobi )", Ashura smirk, he was glaring right at Indra.

"( flop... lame squirrel... what is he thinking?... he better not be thinking about earning respect from me cuz it not going to happen )", *tch*

"( seriously?, my friends are rivals and so is my team mates... why does it have to be me... what should I do with them )", Izumi was staring at the boys, she sigh and look over at the forest, "( and to top it off we are going for a survival battle in this creepy place and if Indra and Ashura keep this rivaling of theirs I'm sure we will lose this test, man I'm trying to act tough but deep down I'm shivering like hell )".

The time hit and Anko blew her whistle, "OK you maggots... the second stage of the exam has begun ", she announced and the sentinels step aside from the gate.

"Ashura... Izumi... let get things done ", Indra said with a small smile.

"right ".

"gees... you don't even have to say it... I'm ready to rock ", the three genins dash into the forest.


After a short period of traveling through the forest they started hearing screaming of pain and suffering, the three genins stop on a tree branch and was looking around.

"you guys should keep your eyes out... we don't want to run into a trap... those other ninja must be full of tricks, so we have to be on guard ", Indra who was taking leadership role said.

"first we need to look for an heaven scroll ", the kunoichi said.

"stop the whispering there's no one around... plus we can just look for a team and take their heaven scroll, now who's with me ", Ashura crossed his arms and smile.

"flop... I know losers are brainless ", Indra insults and Ashura's face fall, "back in the field when we were ask to sign those form... the sentinels cover the shade... and you know why?... so we won't know which team has the heaven scroll or the earth scroll... ".

"that's it... we might even exhaust ourselves just because of the wrong scroll, these proctors are good at setting exams, this is truly a survival exam ", Izumi said.

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