clothed in bandages, the puppet master and the whiner

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( just as I said before, I will be summarizing the match between Shino and Zaku, after reading the summary you will understand it... Most especially those of you who has already watched their fight )


Hayate announced the beginning of the second round but Shino refuse to attack, he was giving Zaku the advice to forfeit the match since both of Zaku's hands was in a bandages, the sound shinobi made it clear for Shino that one of his hands was still functioning and he pulled his left hand out of the bandages.

He didn't waste time before attacking Shino telling him he will be able to beat the likes out of Shino with just one arms, he threw a punch at Shino and Shino block it without any problem, he then advice Zaku again to forfeit but the sound ninja laugh at that, he unclenched his fist and blast Shino away with his slicing sound wave.

Kiba was amazed by this since he viewed Shino as a very powerful rival, the dust from the sound jutsu wore out and Shino was standing there, his body was black like steel and everyone was freaked out before his body turn back to normal, Zaku gasp in disbelief when he saw millions of bugs coming towards him.

Shino told Zaku that it was good to have an ace in the hole, he reminded Zaku that he has only one free arms and if he used it on him his bugs will be there to deal with Zaku and if Zaku tried to get rid of the bugs first, he will be there to take Zaku himself so it would be best for Zaku if he forfeit.

Zaku didn't know what to do at the position he was, Zaku then had flash back on his early age, he stool a bread and two men were chasing after him, he ran into an alleyway that seems to have a dead end, the men caught up with him and beat him up for stealing, after the men left he brought out the bread he hide in his shirt and started eating it, after the event with the men he was walking down the street when he ran into Orochimaru who took him in and trained him, in a battle he was able to face off with a jonin and took him out.

Zaku refuse to lose as he angrily pulled his right arm from the bandages letting Shino know he was able to use both arms, he aim the right arm at the bugs and the left one at Shino, he then reminded Shino about his words with the ace in the hole, he applied chakra to his hands and used the super Sonic slicing wave, instead of his jutsu his hands were damaged which was confusing to everyone.

Zaku open his hands and there was a few amount of bugs blocking the holes in his palm, Shino appeared behind him and told him about the bugs, he has sneak in some of his bugs into the holes of Zaku's hands so when Zaku tried to use his jutsu there was no way for the super Sonic slicing wave to exit his hands, it better to have an ace in the hole but two aces are better, after hearing this Zaku got mad and strike his fist at Shino but he wasn't fast enough, Shino hit his hand on Zaku's face and Zaku fell on the ground.

Zaku could not fight anymore so Hayate announce Shino as the winner of the second round, Neji used his byakugan to look right into Shino and he gasp in disbelief, he was amazed to see the bugs living inside of Shino's body like an heave.

Guy sensei then told them about a specialist squad who comes in tact with bugs after they are born, they let the bugs live within them and feed from their chakra, and in return the bugs help them fight their battle, and these shinobis are the Aburame clan.

Lee who has also heard of these people before was amazed to see that Shino was one of those people, few moments later Kakashi appeared behind Sakura and Naruto.

"hello... ", he ask with a close eye smile.

"is that all you are going to say? what about Sasuke? is he? ", Sakura ask in concern.

"do not worry about Sasuke... he's sound asleep in the infirmary ", Kakashi informed, "( expect he's been watched by the anbu black ops )".

The screen started reading out names again before stopping *cough* the third round will begin now... Kankuro versus Omoi ", Hayate called out.

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