the reason of the chuunin exam, friendship in the world of ninja

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In a fighting arena, the Hokage, the first stage and second stage proctors and few other chuunin and jonin were standing in front of the genins that made it to the tower, the jonin senseis of the genins were all standing behind the Hokage, his eyes were like the ones of a snake and he's hair was straight down.

The genins that made it to the tower were the hidden leaf fifteen rookies, team Kakashi, team Kurenai, team Guy, team Asuma and team Shisui, the other genins were Gaara's team from the sand village, Dosu's team from the sound village and also Killer Bee's team from the cloud village, Kabuto's team were also of the leaf village.

"look Sasuke's team made it ", Ino said in excitement.

"yeah... after the trouble I went through cuz of them... they better did ", *hm* Shikamaru scoffed.

"you are the one to speak... aren't you... eh Shikamaru? ", Izumi ask.

"Shikamaru is found of whining alot remember? ", Ashura ask.

"sure ", Izumi said with a close eye smile.

"tomato haired... you're such a drag ".

"look all of the rookies are here ", Sakura said to her team mates.

"yeah, old man Hokage, Iruka sensei, Kakashi sensei, Ashura and bushy brow, no one was left behind this time ", Naruto grin.

*hm* "( all the best are here, Sasuke Uchiha, and so is Indra... from the look of it he must be really tough )", the Hyúga boy in Lee's team was staring at Indra who's hands were crossed in his chest.

"( Sasuke Uchiha... Indra Uchiha... and Ashura Uzumaki )", *hmm* Dosu snarl.

*tch* "( I'm going to get you for this Sasuke Uchiha )", Zaku was glaring at Sasuke, both of Zaku's hands were bandaged.

"Ashura the wolf boy... it feels good rapping with your name ", Bee rap underneath his breath.

"hey Kakashi... I see your team pass too ", a jonin said to the silver haired jonin, he was having the same bow haircut, bushy eyebrows and green one-piece like Rock Lee, he was wearing the leaf flask jacket and his own was left unzipped, "but with my team still on the way your team stand no chance... I guess you will be able to deal with heartbreak eh... ", he gave Kakashi a toothy grin.

*umm* "did you say something? ", Kakashi ask dumbly like he didn't hear the guy.

*ahhhhh* he screamed heavily in his head, "( OK Kakashi, you won this round... but I will still get you for that )".

"keep cool Guy ", Shisui said to him, Shisui was standing between Guy and Kurenai.

"( oh so that's Guy sensei's old rival... from the look of it I did say Guy sensei would totally loss )", the dirty brown haired girl in Lee's team was staring at Guy and Kakashi.

"( guy sensei is so cool he even glows with cool )", Lee said to himself while balling his fist, "( I don't want to see tears from anyone so close to me ever again... I won't loss ever again... I will make you proud Guy sensei ".

"( not even a single scratch on you Gaara... just what I expected ", a jonin wearing the sand flask jacket was staring at Gaara, the jonin was standing with those who's team pass.

"( Akamaru is acting really strange )", Kurenai was staring at Kiba and Akamaru.

*hm* "( they look beat up... I wasn't expecting this exam to be that hard for them due to their skills and abilities... or did they run into someone... someone way past their level? )", the image of Orochimaru then appeared in his head, "( it must have been him )", Shisui was staring at his students.

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