let settle this once and for all

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"that was a pretty nice speech... brat... you have said a lot so shut that ranting mouth of yours ", Itsuki was standing on a tree branch with an other Hyúga.

"( not him again )", Ashura grit his teeth and ball his fist angrily.

"lady Hanabi ", the other Hyúga jump down from the tree and land on the ground.

"stay back you jokes ", Ashura stood in front of the kids defensively.

"big brother Ashura... they mean no harm ", Hanabi informed.

"( big brother Ashura? )" *hm* the Hyúga in front of them scoffed, "lady Hanabi, you shouldn't be mingling with people like this ".

"take that back you ugly face ", Haru point angrily, "c'mon big brother let show this guy not to mess with us ".

"step away from the girl now ", the Hyúga was trying to hold back his anger.

"or what are you gonna do block face ", Ashura ask.

*tch* "lady Hanabi we need to head back home your father will be waiting for you ", the guy said, Itsuki was still standing on the tree branch watching them.

"let her be you mummified weirdo... is this how you guys treat someone like a caged bird? ", Ashura ask.

"( it doesn't seem like this is going to end well )", Jinnai thought.

*tch* "you little... ".

"enough... I will handle this ", Itsuki leap down from the tree, "a caged bird " *huh* "at least a caged bird is much more better than a free spoiled one who doesn't have control over himself doing silly things all over again and again ", Itsuki said, there was a hint of anger laced with his voice.

"( those eyes... I hate when they always stares at me like that... it makes me want to loose myself... damn )", Ashura couldn't stand it anymore, "I must have accidentally hurt someone very special, or maybe not... all I know is that you want to settle some scores... I accept your challenge ", Ashura spat out angrily, he knew this has to do with the ten tailed demon wolf spirit.

*tch* "you bastard... you don't deserve to be alive ", Itsuki grit his teeth angrily and his byakugan activated.

"( he's releasing a killer instinct... just as I expected )" *hm* "it's not going to be that easy to take me down ", Ashura pulled out his kunai and made a cross hand seal, "multi shadow clone jutsu.... " *puff* two hundred clones appeared on the area.

*wow* "look at all that clones ", Haru said in amazement.

"I didn't know this amount of clones could be summoned ", Jinnai was having wide eyes, Hanabi was also staring with wide eyes.

"shadow clone " *huh* "( his chakra is incredible that he distributed his it equally among all his clones... I'm quite impressed )", Itsuki then took the Hyúga's fighting stance.

*hmm* all the Ashura did the same taking a fighting stance, "( this guy is tough... he's an elite ninja like Shisui sensei Kakashi sensei and the others... my speed is nothing compared to his... I have to be careful... beside... he can see my chakra points with that byakugan eyes of his )", Ashura grit his teeth.

*hm* a smirk formed on his lips.

*ugh* Ashuras gasp in shock, Itsuki slashed his hands through the air in a very swift motion *puff* all of Ashura's clones dispelled, "( no way... he's so fast that I didn't even see him weaving hands seals )".

"what just happened? ", Haru ask in muddiness.

"I don't know, all that I can say was that I saw him sway his hands and then all the clones were gone ", Jinnai was quite confused himself.

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