Ch. 18 Yes

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(Edwards POV)
Her smile, her golden eyes shining with happiness while looking back into mine. Amelia is what is constantly haunting my thoughts. I thought that being engaged to Bella would be the end of all of this infatuation I have with Amelia but, that was not the case. There is something about her that I just can't shake but as much as this pains for me to say, she will soon be dead and I can hopefully move on with the happiness I used to have with Bella.

My only hope is that Alice and Emment keep their thoughts to themselves about us abandoning Amelia and not turning her to let her live. As much as I would want for her to survive, this life is not better than dying. She deserves more than becoming a soulless monster. 

"Edward can you come down here," Carlisle speaks from downstairs.

Great another family meeting. The stress over not being able to stop thinking about Amelia has been so much that I have been avoiding my family as much as possible because I couldn't bare their thoughts of sadness that she will be gone soon. As I walk downstairs, hoping this isn't some sort of Amelia intervention, I hear we have company. Two people to be precise.

"Ah, well if it isn't my daughter's stalker." Gabriel, Amelia's father spoke which caused me to roll my eyes.

I would have rather a screaming banshee in my home rather than Gabriel. Hell, I think I would rather have the intervention than deal with Aemia's parents. 

"I wouldn't pick fun with them, dear, we came to them for help." Amelia's mother told him with a disapproving look.

Help? What help? What possibly could they want from the people that Gabriel despises so much? I quickly read Carlisle's mind which gave me my answer.

"We are not turning Amelia," I say as I cross my arms and sit on the couch next to Emmett.

"Speak for yourself, I think it would be fun having her around for eternity!" Emmett bellowed while elbowing me in the side.

 I could see Alice nod with an agreement before I shot daggers her way which caused to her look down and fumble with her hands. 

"We just want everyone to consider, as much as we didn't want this to happen, you all are our only hope." Amelia's mother pleads with tears in her eyes.

"You know why this is a difficult decision don't you." Carlisle Spoke, "The reason you put her into hiding is because of the Volturi and if they find out about her and if they find out she is turned I'm not sure how we can protect her."

"You and I both know that if she is turned the Volturi can't even stop her." Amelia's dad said with arrogance.

Alice spoke up about what everyone in the room was wondering which was something I was thankful for because I didn't want to speak a word to Gabriel.

"Why exactly did you abandon Amelia?" Alice asked which caused Gabriel to scoff and Amelia's mom to look ashamed.

"Abandon? You think we abandoned her?" Gabriel scoffed, "We left her in that orphanage to keep her safe but who knew that you couldn't escape destiny."

"Destiny?" Esme asked with curiosity.

"You see when Amelia was born we were read a glimpse into her future, she would be in great power but would be in danger because of this power. She would defeat the one enemy that has been trying to take out the angel since they found our existence because they didn't want to risk losing their power. She will do all this because she will fall in love with a vampire." Amelia's mom spoke all while staring directly at me.

"We didn't want that for our daughter, we wanted her to be normal, but of course, her adopted parents moved her to vampire central where she fell for twinkle toes over there," Gabriel told everyone while pointing at me.

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